Secret (bonus chapter 4)

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Henry grabbed Minghao's hand, much to his momentary astonishment, and quickly pulled him along the dimly lit room till they reached a heavy metal door, which Minghao guessed was an emergency staircase that lead right out to the back of the building. They descended the flights of staircase hurriedly. Though Minghao was a combination of exhausted and weak, even a little light-headed after suffering such extensive injuries, the thought of freedom spurred him to keep his sore legs moving. Skipping down several stairs, he managed to keep up with Henry's lightning speed. 

Very soon, they reached the ground floor, coming face to face with yet another door which Henry shoved open. "Henry, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" A deep voice yelled, one that had been haunting Minghao for the past three days and nights. 

"Dad?" Henry paused in his tracks, shuffling so he could block Minghao's view. Though the latter could already see past Henry's shoulder. In front of them, mere meters away, stood Chen. 

Chen stalked closer. Anyone could see he was badly injured, considering the way he walked with a slight limp, and was cradling his arm towards his own body. "Why," Chen started, speaking through clenched teeth, "are you helping him?" Instantly, Henry seemed to have switched personas. The once gentle man in front of Minghao, dragging a blade through his own skin to save the latter, became the small shell of an innocent, tortured boy. 

"Dad, I- I can explain." Henry stuttered. He backed away from the advancing man, knocking Minghao back a few steps. "Save it!" Chen shouted. With his uninjured hand, he shoved his son out of the way, revealing a cowering Minghao hiding behind. "You." Chen drawled, an even daunting expression on his face. Minghao could not do anything, he had lost possession of everything except the clothes on his back, especially the small knife he had been instructed to always carry around. At that moment, he looked down and realised that knife was now with Chen.

Light reflected off the blade, glinting with each small flick of it, until Chen managed to press it right up to Minghao's neck. His breath ragged, Chen exerted the tiniest pressure, and a dot of blood bloomed along the pale stretch of skin. Wise enough to know he could be killed at any instant, Minghao kept his mouth shut and forced himself to stay still. 

Chen pressed closer. "You ruined everything I have ever worked for. My fortune, my freedom, everything is gone!" He screamed, drawing a flinch from Minghao. What scared him the most, was the sound of Chen's maniacal laughter, one that reached the sky and evoked the same nightmares he had been having. 

Yet just as he was bracing himself for the cold, slicing pain, the old man was tackled to the ground, by none other than his predecessor. Henry struggled against the protesting Chen, pushing against his broken arm such that Chen was howling from the pain. "Run! Out of that gate and turn right. GO!" In a state of fear and panic, Minghao hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should help Henry. Henry had helped him once. And now he owed it to him.

Without thinking, Minghao grabbed the tiny knife that was left lying pitifully on the ground. Never in his life did he think he would do this, but with all his might, he raised the knife into the sky and brought it down right into Chen's thigh. The blade broke the skin and secured itself with a revolting squelch, immobilizing the older man as he clawed towards his leg. Henry jumped up with a startle, staring at his father. Minghao stared for a little while, later registering Henry's expression as disappointment. "I'm so sorry dad." Henry whispered, before he grabbed Minghao's hand again and pulled him away, leaving Chen rolling around in a pool of his own blood. 

They ran and ran along the streets until even Henry was sweating and exhausted. Minghao keeled over, ignoring a stranger who was walking by them, definitely spooked by their appearance. For once, Minghao couldn't give less of a damn how he looked. "Shit!" Minghao glanced up at Henry's outburst, confused. 

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