A f*cked up kind of cute

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Minghao tapped his foot absentmindedly as he waited in line. All around him, the buzz of chatter between coworkers and patients infiltrated the otherwise noise-cancelling earbud that he had stuffed into one ear. He set the metal tray down as the queue for the staff lunch canteen slowly but surely inched forward. Finally, after a nearing 24-hour shift, he could finally rest. Even if it were just for a short 1 hour lunch break. 

Carrying the tray piled with piping hot food, Minghao settled into a single table tucked into the corner, where the window overlooked the hospital grounds. Light snow covered the barren branches of trees lining the outside world. The breeze must be freezing, though Minghao had been so busy these past two days he wouldn't have any idea. Tonight however, he could finally bid farewell to the place and head home, where he was sure to be spending the rest of the weekend buried under the warmth of blankets and an overheating laptop.

Before he knew it, he was scooping his last few mouthfuls of soup into his mouth. Suddenly, a man with a white coat approached him from the corner of his eye. "Hi, may I sit here?" Minghao discreetly eyed the doctor in front of him. He carefully surveyed the rest of the canteen. There were empty tables around him, why did the man have to choose here? Maybe he enjoys watching the scenery too, Minghao gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Lacking the courage to say no, Minghao silently allowed the man to sit opposite him. "I'm Charles from the surgical oncology department." Charles said. Minghao wasn't all that keen to make conversation, so he just hummed and nodded along with Charles' attempts at conversation. 

Minghao swallowed his last spoon, and gently placed the spoon down on the empty tray. "It was nice meeting you Charles, but I have to get back to work. I'll leave you to it." With the remainder of whatever little courtesy he had left, Minghao got ready to stand up. 

"Wait!" Charles exclaimed. Frowning, Minghao quickly drew his hand back when Charles reached his out. "I- I thought you were really cute and I wanted to ask if we could get dinner together tonight!" Charles' words came out in a rush. 

Minghao froze in his seat, a little stunned at the unwanted offer. "Well, uh... thank you? But I can't get dinner with you, I'm sorry."

Charles at least had the nerve to look the slightest bit embarrassed. Yet, he wasn't willing to relent. "Are you not free tonight? What about tomorrow? Or the day after?" 

Minghao pressed down the urge to just stand up and leave. He had stated his position out nicely, why can't the man take a hint? There was a pressed smile on his face when he replied, "I mean, I can't get dinner with you."  He made sure to place heavy emphasis on the two words. "I have a boyfriend." 

Now it was Charles' turn to look surprised. Minghao could see his mind racing. "What about dinner just as friends? He can't say no to that." Charles responded.

The Chinese male couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit offended. Who was Charles to think Junhui made decisions for him? The guy was clearly out of his mind. "Not wanting to get dinner with you is my decision. And honestly if your inflated ego is that easily hurt by a simple rejection, I suggest you reevaluate your own dating life." 

Huffing under his breath, Minghao stalked away. Thank god he already finished his lunch because Charles definitely ruined his appetite. He rolled his eyes just thinking about the encounter. 

After lunch, Minghao spent a few hours stuck in meetings and checking up on his assigned patient. It was going well, until he encountered an annoying patient who rang the bell every so often to request the most ridiculous things. However, he didn't let that sour his mood. He had 3 more hours to finish reviewing his patients' files before freedom arrived. After such a long day, he was just dying to get home. He was so ready to take the longest nap in the history of mankind. Or well, it wouldn't be considered a nap since it'd late at night by the time he reached home. Just then, his phone started ringing from the desk. It was Junhui.  


"Mmm it was alright I guess... though some guy called me cute and tried to ask me out."

"Aww thank you... Ugh it was just so strange! Anyway, I need to go now. See you later?" 

"Love you too."

 Minghao placed the phone down. He checked his watch. Just awhile more...


Junhui POV

He hummed cheerfully aloud, pressing his phone to his ear. The phone rang a couple of times before the person on the other side of the line picked up.

"Hi love." He said, "how was your day?" A soft smile spread across his face as Minghao's voice filled his ear. 

Junhui raised an eyebrow. "Well, I can't blame him can I? He's right." 

He chuckled at the younger's short rant. "Okay darling see you later. Love you." 

Placing the phone down, the smile he had plastered over his face slowly dissolved. He walked closer, rolling his eyes as the person wrestled against the ropes binding him to the chair. Lifting a hand, he ripped the masking tape off. 

"Sorry about that." He smiled. The man opened his mouth, letting a bloodcurdling scream. Junhui sighed, re-pasting the tape over his mouth.

"Charles, was it?" Junhui asked. Charles was breathing heavily, eyes darting around in fear. "Shame you can't keep your mouth shut." 

The Chinese man bent down to retrieve a huge box. He purposefully lifted the cover slowly, ensuring Charles had a full view of everything in it. Bingo, he thought, as Charles started squirming and trembling.  

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." Junhui assured, pulling a machete. There was a glint from the reflection of the dim basement light as he inspected the sharp knife. "I don't know why I just lied. I am going to hurt you." 

Junhui relished the fear building in Charles' eyes as he waved the machete right under his nose. "But I mean, you must have known at some point that this would happen, hm?" Charles shook his head vigorously. He shouted, but it all became an unrecognisable sound under the tape. Junhui peeled the tape back. 

"Please." Charles begged. His voice was dripping with fear. "Please, I'll do anything!" 

Junhui narrowed his eyes. "You see, Charles, it's too late. It was all too late the moment you hit on someone with a boyfriend." 

Charles whimpered. He kept murmuring apologies under his breath, which earned him nothing but more tape over his mouth. 

"Ugh this is why I hate the public education system." Junhui continued. He paused, placing the huge weapon back into the box and pulling out a gun next. Whipping around, he dug it into Charles' chest, much to the latter's shock. "They hide the demons of the world from you, but then one day when the devil himself is right there, you are left so unprepared." 

"So Charles, I guess I just have one question for you." Junhui said. Charles gulped. 

"Am I cute?"

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