Secret (bonus chapter 3)

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"Does it look really bad?" Minghao asked apprehensively. His face definitely felt like it was on fire and being slapped at the same time. The fact that Henry refused to show him any of the pictures indicated he probably looked terrible, but it was worth a shot asking. 

Henry hummed as he scrolled through the pictures. "Ok there." Much to Minghao's confusion, he quickly sent the email, with nothing more than the picture, he assured. Minghao sighed, releasing slow periodic breaths. It had been less than a day, but time moved so slow in there it felt like triple the amount of time had passed. Maybe it had, but he couldn't check either way. His phone was likely being hacked into right as he was sitting there, helpless. 

"I need to go now, but I'll bring some food and water again later. Try to get some sleep," Henry said. Minghao watched as Henry walked into the darkness. There he was again, trapped by the creeping shadows slowly lurching towards him. Minghao didn't know how much more of it he could take. You couldn't blame him. How was one supposed to act in a hostage situation?

Shutting both eyes, he was fully enclosed by the darkness. Behind the lids, he could see the familiar faces of friends. Friends he may not ever see again. Stop it. Don't think negative thoughts. They will save you. They have to... 

Slowly but surely, Minghao muttered words of encouragement under his breath so many times that he was starting to feel tired. All of a sudden he was exhausted. He leaned his head down, willing himself to sleep. Nothing else could be done. He could only sit and wait. Wait. Keep on waiting.

Minghao was dreaming. Clouds spraying a heavy downpour descended upon the sky, Minghao right underneath them. No one else was on the streets. There was no one to turn to. What was the difference between a dream and reality? He couldn't tell anymore. The dreams and reality are starting to melt together in a swirl of emotions. What he saw before his eyes, are the same as when he closed them. Even in his sleep, he couldn't escape


Junhui POV

"Why the fuck are we here and not looking for him?" He yelled. Seungcheol sat in front of him, his head between his hands. One hand was massaging his temples. 

The older male stood up, rounding the corner of his desk. "Calm down Junhui, everyone's worried too." 

Junhui was livid. It was his fault. He should've made Minghao tag with him. Then he wouldn't have let him out of his sight when a dangerous man was on the loose, like Dokyeom had carelessly done. Then he wouldn't be without Minghao right now. 

"Clearly we're not doing enough! Screw this, I'm going to find him if no one else will." Junhui said through gritted teeth. He hadn't been stepped foot into his house once since Minghao was kidnapped by Chen. In fact, barely any of them had. Everything back home reminded him too much of the younger. 

Junhui stormed out of Seungcheol's office, slamming the door. He was in the middle of wrestling a gun into the half thrown together bag when two figures entered the room. Turning around, he spotted Joshua and Jeonghan staring at him with worried glances. 

Joshua stepped closer. "Junhui come on, don't be reckless."

"Reckless is the only way Minghao won't get killed." Junhui replied coldly. He tossed a couple of refills of bullets into the bag. 

Jeonghan placed both hands on Junhui's shoulder. "Before you go, sit down and listen to us." He stirred the younger over to a chair. Junhui sank into it heavily, burying his head into his hands before either of the others could see him tearing up. 

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