I can't take it anymore

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"Hey Hao."

Minghao nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of his name being called out amidst the otherwise empty and silent doctors' lounge. He turned around with his white coat in his hand to see a familiar doctor lying down on the couch, one hand under his head to prop it up.

Minghao laughed at the sight in front of him. "What are you doing here, Jun? Aren't you still on shift?" He asked while he packed his white coat into his bag, stuffing the rest of his items like his scrubs and stethoscope into the locker. Having been through a 24 hour shift and chugged three cups of caffeine-induced beverages, he was dying to go home and finally rest. Thank goodness he wasn't on shift the next day, at least not until 5pm. In any case, he would still have enough time to recuperate before then.

"I was just about to text you, actually. What time does your shift end?" Minghao asked, hauling his bag over from the locker and sinking onto the couch beside Junhui. The other doctor had sat up, eyes barely opening. Minghao rested his head on Junhui's shoulder.

Junhui sighed, checking his pager. "Technically it's over, but I have a craniotomy scheduled in two hours, so here I am." Minghao's phone lit up from a notification. When he picked it up to take a look, he realised it was already 10pm. He then turned back and leaned into Junhui's body. He pitied the older doctor, even after his entirely too long shift, he wasn't yet allowed to go home. The long hours really were taking a toll on the both of them. Junhui slung his arm discreetly around the other's waist.

"So I take it I won't see you till tomorrow morning?" Minghao asked, to which Junhui responded by nodding his head, though his eyes were already closed. Minghao waited patiently for the other man to fall asleep, which really wasn't all that long considering his working hours. He slowly lifted Junhui's arm, careful not to wake him. As much as he made a wonderful human pillow, Minghao would much rather be back home taking a hot shower and sleeping in a proper bed, instead of a couch. Besides, he wasn't waiting for anyone in particular. He was more than capable of driving himself home. That was the one thing Junhui and Minghao kept separate: their cars. Their constantly clashing schedules made it impossible to have only one source of transportation.

Minghao froze on the spot as he felt the older one stirring in his sleep. "You're leaving already? Stay with me." Junhui whispered. His adorable way of rubbing his eyes nearly convinced Minghao to.

The younger man bent down and placed a chaste kiss on his forehead. "I'll meet you at home. Goodnight Jun." He walked over to switch the lights off before leaving the lounge, letting Junhui enjoy his remaining rest before the surgery. 

Even in the medical books, exhaustion was a true killer. Unfortunately for Minghao, it still did not help him avoid the charts and patient files he would have to read through before his shift that day. Minghao rolled over and slammed his hand over his phone, randomly stabbing at the screen in hopes of turning his alarm off. 9am may be normal for the average human, but certainly not for him. He felt a heavy shift in the bed beside him, then a pair of arms pulling him closer. 

"What time did you get back?" He asked, turning over to face the other. He didn't get a verbal response, just Junhui gesturing '4am' with his hands. Minghao was slightly shocked. Even that was a bit extreme for him. 

He pat Junhui's messy but fluffy bed hair, and sat up. "Can we have pancakes?" Junhui requested softly. The alarm clock had already woken him up. There was no way he was falling back asleep. The older man stood up from the bed, pushing his hair out of his face. Groggily, he walked over to draw the curtains. Their room lit up from rays of sunlight shining through, something they both rarely ever see.

Minghao narrowed his eyes at the pacing man. "I'm a CT surgeon, not your personal chef." He said teasingly, finding any excuse to stay in bed. He would do anything to roll over and sleep another twenty hours. 

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