Anniversary Gift

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     Today happened to be Junhui and Minghao's 5-year anniversary. It also happened to be their special "Secret Santa" Going Seventeen episode, which started out exciting, but Junhui was starting to very much dislike now. Don't get him wrong though. It was sweet how the crew and stuff placed so much effort into preparing 'gifts' for them, though ones like a single slipper received by Joshua or a brick block Chan had gotten were slightly on the more... questionable side. However, he certainly was not expecting Minghao to get the iPad pro. If he were to be very honest, he was quite literally on the verge of panic the moment Minghao's face lit up after opening the box. He turned around and sent an urgent look in Jeonghan's direction. He was the only one Junhui had told his little secret to, and probably the only one calm enough to think of one way or another to save his ass. 

     "I would like to use my wish coupon now." Junhui stood up abruptly. He pretended to giggle at the opportunity to steal the exquisite gift, but the way Minghao stared at him in betrayal shot daggers in his heart. 'I'm really sorry.' Junhui mouthed as he stood up to exchange his LED mouthpiece gift with iPad pro. Minghao's eyes darted around the multiple cameras in front of him. He blinked hard and sniffed. He refused to cry in front of the members or the staff filming them. 

      Meanwhile, the members couldn't help but stare at Junhui in disbelief. Junhui cringed internally at himself. Trust me guys, I wouldn't have done that if I didn't need to. Jeonghan, who knew exactly the reason why, grimaced at him. Soon after, their filming wrapped up and they were allowed to go back to their dorms. Due to the fact that they were split into two dorms, obviously owing to the number of members, each dorm also had their respective cars. And so, the group wordlessly left the filming site and climbed aboard the cars. Mingyu, Wonwoo, Junhui, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon and Chan in one, while the rest in the other. 

     Usually, Dino would have to be the one sitting alone for obvious reasons. Instead, Junhui was the one sitting alone, the rest of the members in their pairings except for Minghao with Chan. The tension was thick in their car. Occasionally, Seungkwan would bring up random small talk that all but died down with only Mingyu and Chan responding. Minghao, on the other hand, chose the side seat and was now staring out the window at the Seoul lights. He let his mind wander, but forbid himself from thinking about the day's events. He imagined himself pulling Junhui's hand, racing down the street with an ice cream cone in their hands in mini celebration of their relationship. Shaking his head, he swiped away the tear running down his face and let his thoughts dissipate. That was definitely not going to happen anytime soon, what with the failure of today's Going episode and him still being mad at Junhui. Whatever, Minghao. Don't be petty. He thought to himself. And so, Minghao sat in silence, ignoring his boyfriend's presence in the car.

     As soon as their car reached the dorm, Minghao hopped out. He trudged lethargically to the room he shared with Junhui. He had no idea how he was going to face Junhui, but he'd cross that bridge later on. Junhui trailed behind him helplessly, iPad tucked underneath his arms. 

     Minghao shed the thick coat he was wearing once he reached the room and plonked himself down heavily onto the double bed. Though he wasn't facing the door, he could still hear Junhui entering and the weight shifting as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "You could've just asked for the iPad if you wanted it so bad, you know." Minghao stated, staring at the wall behind Junhui. 

     "Look under your pillow, Hao hao." Was the only response Minghao got in return. He frowned. What was Junhui getting at? He dug under the pillow, frown turning into pure surprise. It was another iPad pro, same model and everything. 

     "Happy anniversary darling!" Junhui beamed. He crawled closer to Minghao, pulling him into a loose side embrace. 

     "Wait Junnie. I don't understand... how are there two iPads?" Minghao asked. He stared up at Junhui with the cutest, most endearing confused expression Junhui had ever seen. 

     "I know how badly you've wanted an iPad for the digital art thing you've gotten so hooked onto lately, so I wanted to surprise you with one for our anniversary. At least I wanted to before the Going staff gave one out. Anyway, I had to get this away from you somehow. But hey, at least we can both draw together now! I'm probably not half as good as you are though." Junhui explained, ending with a small kiss on Minghao's forehead. The latter blinked rapidly. He tucked his head down and nuzzled it into the crook of Junhui's neck. 

     "Are you crying Hao hao? Don't cry..." Junhui tightened his grasp around Minghao's torso, pulling him such that he was now entirely on top of Junhui. Junhui chuckled gently at how much Minghao resembled a koala, lounging on his body like he was a tree. Junhui leaned back against the bed's headboard, patting Minghao's fluffy black hair in soft, long strokes. 

     "I hate you, Junnie." Came Minghao's short response. 

     "Wait, what? Why?"

     "You made me cry twice today! Once in front of cameras too!" Minghao sat up. He pouted at Junhui with red-rimmed eyes. But the tears were tears of happiness, Junhui could tell. Junhui burst into laughter, and pressed his forehead against his boyfriend's. Their lips connected in a sweet kiss. It lasted only a few seconds, but it was moments like these that the two Chinese males felt really lucky. That they had met each other all those years back, and supported each other through the toughest of times. 

     There was no need for anything else. They both had each other, and it was more than enough. 

Fluff. That's it.


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