Merry Go Round of Life

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Inspired by Merry Go Round of Life from Howl's Moving Castle

     There was never a moment of common rest between Minghao and Junhui's schedules. With the former being an idol dancer, to the latter with his modelling shows, neither of them had spent a day just being together in a long time. So, they made a mutual agreement to take a day off. 'What for?' Minghao initially asked. He got his answer seconds later.

     "For us." 


     Right, since you're familiar with this backstory, you will probably now understand why Minghao was so upset when he woke up bright and early, sun radiating warmth onto his skin through the window, and yet his lover wasn't in sight. He only found out a few texts later, that the older was out doing some photoshoot for Versace. 

     "You said you'd take the day off with me. Hell, you were the one who suggested it Wen Junhui." The younger fell back onto the pillow, grumbling half-incoherently into the phone.

     "I know, and I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you later, hm?" Junhui's ever so sweet voice travelled into the younger's ears. It was his apologising voice. The voice Minghao despised so much solely because it worked every damn time.

     "Promise?" Minghao cleared his throat. He could envision Junhui grinning. 

     "Of course. I gotta go now, darling. I'll see you back at home." Minghao ended the call with a huff. Without anything to do, he prepared a light breakfast for himself and took a quick shower. In less than half an hour, he was snuggled into the side of their soft couch, two blankets covering his thin stature and a book in his lap. 

Two hours later

     Junhui hadn't even noticed his boyfriend on the couch, with what seemed to be a mountain of blankets and pillows covering his line of sight. The blonde male carefully slipped off his shoes and was about to walk into their bedroom when a figure rushed towards him. 

     "Well good morning to you too." Junhui chuckled as he stumbled back a little, catching Minghao who had thrown himself against the older. The two men hugged for a solid minute before Minghao finally pulled away from the safe spot that was the crook of Junhui's neck and looked up at him. 

     "Asshole. You were gone for so long!" Minghao complained. Junhui leaned down and kissed away the pout playing on his lips. 

     "It's 9am baby. I was away for two hours max." Junhui countered in a playful manner, unwrapping his arms from the younger's waist and heading for the bathroom. He was eager to wipe off the thick makeup and wash off all the god damn hairspray in his stiff hair. Minghao crossed his arms, clearly unimpressed. "Go get ready first Haohao, we'll head out in awhile." The older said. There was a glimmer of excitement flashing in his black irises as Minghao immediately perked up, and dashed off for their bedroom. 

Time skip

     Hands intertwined with each other's, Junhui pulled Minghao towards a Chinese restaurant he had made a reservation for the previous night. The two ate to their heart's content, chatting about work, friends, family and every other random topic you could think of. Then, Minghao, being the ever stylish fashionista, dragged the older along on his impromptu shopping spree. Junhui watched with pure affection as the black-haired boy tried on his 5th pair of pants, twirling around in it excitedly. 

     "Junnie, doesn't this look so freaking good?" Minghao asked, blatantly checking himself out in the mirror. Junhui leaned against a wall, smiling widely at the sight of Minghao very obviously enjoying himself. 

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