Secret pt. 3

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"Are we there yet?" Minghao wrestled with the seatbelt, which was cutting into his neck. He glanced over at Junhui in the driver's seat, hands gripping the wheel tightly. They were turning into an empty road, barren of any people or cars. The walkways beside them were lined with nothing but street lamps falling apart and an old building.

"Almost." Junhui said, his eyes never leaving the road. 

Silence filled the car. 

"Are we there yet?" 

"Minghao, I'll tell you when we reach." Junhui started doubting his decision to let Minghao join the group. What if he gets himself hurt? Or worse yet, killed?

Junhui snuck a peak at an all-too-calm Minghao. The latter was way too jittery for this sort of stuff, Junhui would have known after every horror movie they've watched together. Not to mention his fear of blood. 

"Are we-" 

"We're here." Junhui stopped along the road, waiting for Minghao to get out of the car first. 

Minghao raised a brow as he surveyed his surroundings. "Where exactly are we?" He asked. "At our building." Junhui's reply was short and direct, yet Minghao's eyes kept roaming. 

"I don't see anything." 

"That's cause you're not supposed to." Junhui walked up directly to the end of the alley, where they met a stone wall dead-end. Junhui pushed an invisible yet slightly protruding area of the wall which was around eye-level, and the bricks beside them started shifting, much to Minghao's astonishment. A small gasp left his lips. He took a slow but careful step into the dark tunnel, but a well lit and spacious room soon came to sight. It was just like how he had envisioned it. It was like a scene straight out of Men in Black, where undercover spies came to discuss missions. He reached out his hand to touch the table nearest to him, but Junhui grabbed his hand quickly.

"Woah, you might not want to touch anything yet." Junhui ignored the confused look on the other's face and continued down the room to a lift, where Minghao then continued to find out that this "hidden" building had 7 whole levels. Minghao was speechless. How in the world Junhui managed to keep all this from him was beyond him.

As soon as the lift door opened on level 4, all conversation in the room they were currently in came to a halt. The silence was deafening. Junhui led Minghao to the head of the table, where 11 other guys sat staring. "Hey guys, sorry I took so long. This is Minghao, the one I've been telling you all about?" 

"Jesus Jun, where've you been hiding this one?" Someone voiced out. The guy, Minghao later identified as Seungcheol, looked daunting. He was definitely exuding strong leader vibes. Again, the suspicion proved true. 

And so they went on for the next 10 minutes, each person introducing themselves and a select few (mainly Jeonghan) fawning over him. As Minghao warmed up to Wonwoo, who seemed real kind under his initial cold glance, he overheard Jeonghan speaking to Junhui, "He's so cute Jun-ah I can't believe you've never brought him before. God knows this place needs another nice face to look at." 

To be honest, Minghao never expected everyone to be so welcoming. Maybe it was the stereotypes from the way too many Hollywood films he had watched, but he half thought everyone would just ignore him and carry on with their business. 

It took another hour for Minghao to be educated on everything there was to know about their organisation, including the roles everyone played, and more importantly, what they did. Minghao found that part to be quite interesting. He also found out Junhui made his job sound way cooler than it actually was. 

"So yea that's about all there is to it." Junhui finished. He looked over at Minghao, a hint of prominent worry spreading across his face.

"You know it's not too late to back out... Things get dangerous around here." He started. 

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