Attention Pt.2

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Present time

     Three hours later, and the apartment was still shrouded with tension that one could cut with a knife. The elder Chinese male was in the room with the door closed, probably on his work laptop once again, Minghao assumed. It was 12am, way past his usual sleep schedule, but he'd rather wake up with backpain the next day than face Junhui again. Not after what Junhui had said. Hence, the younger of the two attempted to make himself comfortable on the leather couch. Emphasis on attempted. Minghao tossed and turned for at least 10 minutes before deciding that no argument was worth sleeping on a couch he could barely even fit in. God damn his tall height. Fine. You win this time Junhui. Minghao thought as he made his way to the room to apologise

     The door to the room creaked open gently. Minghao silently made his way in, taking in the sight of Junhui's face being illuminated by the bright laptop screen. He typed furiously, as if he had an unfinished project due in minutes. The weariness on his face and the deep eyebags seemed even more noticeable in the dim lighting of the room. Minghao sighed.

     "Junhui...?" No response. Minghao approached the edge of the bed.

     "I'm sorry." The clicking and clacking of the keyboard continued.

     "I'm an idiot. And only concerned for myself. I realise that now." The younger was determined to finish, whether or not Junhui was listening.

     "I really fucking hate myself for being such a terrible boyfriend." Minghao needed a reaction. Even the smallest bit of reaction that Junhui was still there would suffice.

     "Say something, please. Please." Nothing.

     Minghao's tears had ran out. There was nothing left but a desperate soul, waiting for his lover.

     "I take back what I said. I don't want to break up. I want to stay with you. I'll quit art and get a job if that helps. I still love you Junnie, even though I don't deserve you." His voice broke. A single tear ran down his face. He didn't realise one ran down the elder's face too. 

     Minghao heard a ruffling sound. Junhui set his laptop on the nightstand, wordlessly pulling the cover up to give the younger male some space on their double bed. Minghao hesitated. But when his eyes met Junhui's own heartbroken ones, he immediately gave in and dropped onto the bed. He settled himself right on top of Junhui's body, arms and legs wrapping themselves around Junhui's long torso.

     Minghao usually pegged himself as the mature one in their relationship. Most of the time, it'd have been him comforting Junhui whenever Junhui was feeling upset because of something at work. Yet, when he heard the quiet whisper, accompanied by the warm sensation of the elder's lips lovingly graze the top of his head, he couldn't help but just sob. The two stayed in the same position for minutes while Minghao cried, and cried. Junhui could swear bits of his heart chipped off with every tear that Minghao shed. Solely because they were shed over him. 

     After the younger male had calmed down, Junhui decided it was time to fix the situation. "I appreciate the apology, Hao hao. But, you're wrong. You are not a terrible boyfriend. In fact, you're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for."

     "If we're on the topic of apologising, then I have a lot to apologise for. I shouldn't have insulted your art. Your works are beautiful, just like you are. I don't want you to quit anything or feel compelled to do anything you don't enjoy. I'm sorry too for making you feel like you can't confide in me. I know sometimes I don't show it, but I'm always here for you, love. I won't ever leave." Junhui said. It was a lot to process, and so the two sat in comfortable silence. They enjoyed each other's presence, something they have not had the chance to do in a long time.

     "You always manage to say the right things." Minghao replied, sniffling against the hoodie Junhui had on. It smelt like him. It was then that Minghao realised just how much he missed his boyfriend. He shifted his head slightly and pressed a tiny, sweet kiss onto Junhui's lips.

     "I love you so much." Junhui breathed out as he set Minghao down on the bed beside him and turned off the lamp. Darkness consumed the room. 

     "Me too."

Damn. The second part is so much longer than I intended it to be. Happy ending for the emotional lot of you (because same)


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