1)"The course of true love never did run smooth"- Shakespeare

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It's been a few weeks that Ace and i have been on good terms. And no, Ace Calderone is not my boyfriend. He's just my.......crush? And guess what? Something very big and bad happened today to the big and bad boy of the school.

One of my friends, Mandin, who has been assisting me with the sports team reselection, goes in the same bus as Ace. The first thing she gave prority to was to run to me after making her way into the classroom.

Dont mind her over energeticness, it only makes her a better player.

"Look, got some news. Ace just told me that some guy named 'Noah' has been spreading rumours to Mylin that Ace has kissed you",she panted

"What? To Mylin? His girlfriend?", after she and Prach, who was standing beside me, nodded. I added "Who is this guy!? Is it our Noah!? The 12A one!? Is it? Answer me!!". Breathe, breathe for pete sake

"I dont know! But i think it is our Noah or else how would he even know that you and Ace are 'friends' to put it that way? Anyway, I gotta go for informing some people about their acceptance into the team. Ya stay busy here. Bye". Yeah, I'll stay swamped.

"I would'nt quite agree to her reasoning", Prach commented as soon as Mandin walked out. "Everybody knows that you and Ace are good friends, like real good according to most". And she's right.

"Yh but I need to know what to do cause this only means they are gonna break up. And I get to be the villain", I shrugged
"I think if I were you, I'd talk to Ace first. I mean he knows the whole thing from the looks of it. So it'll be better to understand it all before blaming any Noah in the world". Agreed

I left Prach there to go talk to Ace. She told me this is too personal so Ace will need some privacy, not like she'll give me any. But as soon as i called his name, he did not respond with any action whatsoever.

Might be he couldn't recognise my voice properly. Ouch. So he turned back to look the second time I called while starting to walk my way. However, as soon as he saw that it was me, he rolled his eyes and turned away. What just happened?

I tried to ignore what he just did and just walked into the washroom. Or might be I am just trying to ignore the doubts and questions in my head. The thoughts screaming that he thinks I am to blame for this mess. The thoughts saying he wants to stay away. Then a question would interrupt 'Why?'.

And the answer came as a low whisper in my head, an arrow to my heart and tears to my eyes. 'Because he hates you'. All of a sudden it's as if something had started beating inside my chest, and with both my eyes seeing blurred walls and my ears being blocked by the sound of my own beat, all I felt was claustrophobia.

But a different kind. A kind where the walls dont seem to be collapsing down on you but your own self is collapsing down inside....part by part....till all that will one day be left is your soul. Or perhaps just shattered pieces of my heart will be left inside me. Like flowers dying inside their vase. And how does one escape that? Escape from themselves? Hide from themselves?
It was lunch. And after I told Prach what happened, she told me she'll go and try. She called him out while I stood far enough for him to not see me from inside his class. But again, after he came out and saw me, he headed back and Prach stopped him.

So I left. If he doesn't want to talk then he might as well not. And even though I hate the fact that he is treating me like all of this is my fault when some Noah literally spread the rumour. I am not gonna beg him to talk to me. That's not how weak I am. And even if I am. He doesn't need to know. Bu then I was too impatient to wait and find clues. So I went to the only Noah in our school session of 8.

"Oi you Noah! You better accept what you did else you might regret being born!", I yelled across his class. Everyone looked at me for a millisecond then continued their business as I dragged him out. Dominique, or as we all call him D, was startled by this act of mine and almost choked on his water.

A different like of confusing look in his eyes, a combo of terror and rebellion if it makes sense. But again, it's obviously because he just witnessed a person as normal as me suddenly yell like a chihuahua which is the only dog species I cannot tolerate when they bark. Because man, bark like a dog at least.

Out of the point, so returning back. Both of them came out. And I turned to Noah and said,"What the hell did you tell Ace's gf ?"
"Nothing? I though he had too many chicks after his that to make only one", answered Noah calmly.

"Um...so you spread no rumours about me and Ace being together etc? ", I questioned. Prolly dumbfounded by my miss conception and also embarassed at how calm he was after how I acted.

"In case you didnt notice, I'm always in the court practicing for our interstate so no way I knew you guys were even a thing. Wait. Are you?", Noah reasoned but I pushed him off getting no answer to my question.

Not only that, continuing further will then just be wasting my time."Oh right. And D goes too. Sorry I just forgot about that. It's just that some Noah is spreading such rumours. Nevermind. Continue", I left but not without any target in my mind. Who infact was right in front of my eyes, just a few metres away across the hall.

Perfect time to see Mylin at the other end of our building. I just have about enough time left to finish this massacre......

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