36) Is dead

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My eyes opened to my ringing phone which was further supported by loud thuds on my front door. And it was only after looking at my mobile that I realized it was Mom trying to wake me up and open the door for her. Or rather, them.

I cut her call and went downstairs. "Hey! You are here!", I announced after I opened the door. But only to my mom. Not my dad.
"Yes we are, baby!", my mom hugged me and I let dad make his way past us. They both got a week or so off from work so obviously they came over.

We talked a lot over lunch since it was already 12 when they arrived. That's also when I woke up as you know, so I was hungry as f***. We ordered takeout from McDonald's and had it over some talk about all the funny things that happened at the shooting.

Dad wasn't really a part of our conversation but he laughed when he was supposed to. After we were full, we tossed the packets etc over in the dustbin and went our ways. Mom and dad got into their master bedroom to freshen up. While I went to my bedroom for the same.

It was only a quick 20 minutes at most after which I came out in all white sweatpants and white sweatshirt. I could hear some chitter chatter downstairs which I got interested in to check it out. I crawled down the stairs and to my surprise, Ace and Dominique sat there in the couch with my mom and dad opposite to them.

I was mostly shocked because my dad hated both of them. But did not know them by face. I was just stunt how Ace could stay so silent and calm while his mother's, basically murderer, sat there. My doubts were cleared when I saw how hard his fists were. The knuckles went white and he hid them beneath the table. His tense jawline was also visible.

"Hey......", I spoke nervously.
"Your friends are here", dad said cheerfully. Clearly not knowing who these two friends are.
"I see". I replied with a straight face. Then I added bravely, "Meet Ace. Ace 'Calderone' and Dominique"

I could see dad's nerves protruding out. His jawline just as much tensed as Ace's or perhaps even more. My mom was in the kitchen by now, getting some juice out for the boys and I. And some wine for herself and dad. He stood up suddenly and commanded to Ace and Dominique, "I think you guys should go back. It's lunch time". I took a quick glance at both Ace and D after this and then I knew. Something is going to go down now. Right. Now.

"Afraid our parents are gonna be worried?", D questioned after gathering some confidence.
"And I'm afraid you didn't leave me any", Ace stated. His face expressionless like a stone and his voice grave.
"What?", my mom now questioned. Confused by this act which was slowly coming to life in front of her eyes.
"Rhyss. Tell them to leave", Dad growled at me
"But I think I rather let them take what they want. And you better give it". My mom was shocked by this side of me. She should me. But she should be more scared of the person she married. Mu dad just stared at me. Knowing that he wasn't dealing with Lilie, but with me. And I'll stand up for what's right.

"What's.....going on?....", my mom asked
"What's going on? Mr. Cameron didn't already tell you? You know, about how he killed my mom?"
"William, w-what's he talking about?"
"Don't say nothing, Mr. Cameron. Cause it isn't so. You are the reason my mom killed herself. You are the reason my life's been hell since. You are the reason for your own daughter's suicide and no matter how much you deny it". Ace paused a sec before adding, "You were gonna be the reason of Rhyss's too".

My mom is sensitive, as much as she didn't want to believe it. She did because I did not react to anything that Ace stated. And that just meant I knew it was true. That I know what a coward my own dad is. It disgusts me to even call him my dad! I hope it disgusts her. Lord, I hope it disgusts him too!

"My mom read her own death threats before she killed herself. Her only dream, her only life was taken away from her with each passing day. And you, you set it in motion. And now look at what happened when Lilie found out. She suicided. And I actually helped her in it. But imagine if you never did what you did. If you hadn't been so greedy, so unfair. The Camerons would've been a happy family of 4. But no. Happy endings are in fairy tales. And your daughter's was too", Ace finally stopped and to be honest, I rather him not continue.

My mom had poured a river down her cheeks and her eyes were bloodshot red. But there was so much anger on her face. Anger for her husband being the reason of not one, but two, deaths on this planet.

But also some of it for the man who was speaking in this room. Cause he helped her daughter to what. Kill herself? That's gotta suck. But most importantly I noticed the fear on Mr. Cameron's face. It was almost laughable and he deserved it.

The next step was miscalculated by me. My mom had stood up and shot the wine glass at Dad's head. Haha, Mr. Cameron. His head started bleading where the glass hit, as he stood there out of shock of what my mom had just done. Of what his wife had just done. Dominique rushed to help him as he held onto the counter.
"How could you do this?!", my mom hollered bedore breaking down on the floor. "Wh-y-y"

But my dad pushed him away. D slipped on the floor but Ace caught him to stop him from falling. Mr. Cameron tried to make his way over to my mom who had started throwing around a tantrum. I tried to help her too but she pushed me away. I knew that all she needed was time alone. But she couldn't right now.

So she found out a way to to get all the time she'd need. She ran over to dad so I thought she was there to help him. But she took up one of the broken pieces of glass. I knew what was about to happen. I don't want to lose her too. And I certainly don't want to just stand here while I can do something.

I, D and Ace ran over to her. Ace grabbed her hand with the glass piece while D tried taking that piece of glass out of her finger's hold. I caved her face into my chest, silencing her screams of pain and anguish.

Dad was out of sight as we all bordered around mom. But from the last glimpse of him that I saw, he had began trying to stand up. But now I could see him as he slowly moved his arm up in the air. Only to bring it down with all his power, down onto Ace's back. He had a knife in his hand which he collected from the kitchen counter.

I shrieked Ace's name. Warning him and signalling him to look back. He is a master at these things I guess. Not the art of defending, the art of killing. He did not turn back, he rolled from his place till he touched William's foot. He stood there confused in that moment, holding his knife above his head.

Ace did not take much time and stood up beside William, on his knees now. Mr. Cameron changed his direction to try and make a blow on Ace again. But as soon as his hands came striking down, Ace got a hold of Mr. Cameron's other arm and twisted it mercilessly while pulling his own chest back.

He stopped and growled in pain, forgetting his mission of striking that knife in his hands, on Ace. But it was too late to think. Ace took Mr. Cameron's hand this time, which held the knife, turned it and put it through his chest.

For a moment everything was silent. Ace left any hold of Mr. Cameron and pulled back completely. My mom just stayed here in my arms, taking in what had just happened. The blood now spread through his shirt and spilled drop by drop on the floor. He fell down on his back. Dead.

Mr. Cameron, William Cameron, my dad, is dead.

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