19) Mission in motion

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Ace finally arrived. The sound of the bell multiple times had managed to wake me up from my sleep and I had opened the door for him. Since I fell asleep while reading the diary, I had it in my hands when I went down to open the door for Ace.
"Come in", I gestured. Mission in motion
And after he did do so, he gestured for his fees. "Oh shit....I'll give it tomorrow! Please. I was just really exhausted so I fell asleep"
"Very unlike Mrs. Cameron, to be sleeping at this hour of the day", Ace asked concerned
"I was just tired after going through all of the newly put boxes in the garage and the ones in Lilie's room", I spoke as we both sat down beside one another on the kitchen counter
"Woah....you did it all alone?", he questioned impressed
"No. D came over to help"
"Oh wow....looks like you guys are close", he said awkwardly
"No um..nothing like that. Anyway what are we making", I diverted the topic
"Eh, let's see", he ran a quick eye through the contents in my fridge and then proposed "Let's make Tom yum. Especially because last time you had um.....messed it up"
"You were about to say the f word weren't you", I reconfirmed and he nodded while giggling.
"You know what? Lilie loved Tom Yum. Basically she's the reason I ever tried it", I said nostalgically while running through Lilie's diary. To my surprise, I was wrong. But only intentionally. "Wait, it isn't Tom yum. Blimey, it's-"
"Red Sauce Pasta?", Ace completed my sentence. And guess what? He's right
"How did you know?", I put an insisting face on.
"Um..You know? Cameron sisters loving pasta of different sauces? I just threw a stone in the dark"
"Hmm", that answer did not satisfy me somehow so I continued, "Well then, guess what we are making?"
He already knew the answer so he just swap the ingredients and said, "Okay!"
While he cut and pasted etc the required ingredients, I said, "Do you have any plans on New year?"
"Um..not exactly. I never have any plans. Do you have any?"
"Wait so you never have plans on new year or do you never ever have any plans?", I questioned confused
"Um..second one?", he said a but embarrassed
"Wow....wso you were alone last new year like me? We could've hung out dude! Why didn't you give me a call?!"
"I didn't have your number then. And anyway though, last new year...", he paused and gave it a thought before speaking further "I did have a party cum picnic type thing"
"Ohh....it was a surprise?", I insisted once again. This time he almost stopped everything he was doing. And he didn't look at me while continuing, "One of my friends went there and told me to come if I was free so....yeah"
"Benny or Dominique?", I tried to narrow down.
"Um....Benny. Look here, we're done pasting the tomatoes so let's start with the main thing", he distracted me
I only stared at him. Cause he lied. Benny wasn't there in the photo. "Cool, Lilie was there too. You guys ever met before? And also what did you just put in?"
"Salt, what does it look like to you, you dumbard"
"Hehe". But I didn't get all my answers so I pushed it, "Have you and Lilie ever met before? Like in the party atleast."
"Um..no. There were nearly 35 people so really, I didnt. And also I was mostly with the boys, playing football etc"
"Oh....We should go again this year then. With D and Benny and Prach etc. Also that Pree whoever"
"Yeah sure. I'll drive you guys there since it will be first time for you all", Ace suggested
"Mhm.. I'll talk to the others and let you know"
After that we mostly concentrated on our pasta. Once it was done, Ace reminded me to bring all of his fees next day at school. We had it while chatting about new year parties etc. It was mostly about how in these parties, people fall in love. He even described what made them fall in love.
"Okay so suppose the guy is too drunk and the girl is still drinking. That's when the guy pops up for more drinks near the bar counter where the girl is sitting opposite to him. He just sees her posing weirdly for those tongue out pics, her eyes dazzling in the colours of the disco light like ghosts or whatever. Or her black dress which either on or off, no middle ground etc etc. And yet his drunk senses fall in love. Story complete. The end", Ace finished with utter disgust and lack of logic in the stereotype he just mentioned. And I was definitely rolling on the ground. "How the hell do you fall for someone like..this? I mn what the hell"
"Hmm hmm! Wait! But since you said people still always fell in love in these parties, who fell in love in your picnic last year?"
"Why? Jayden fell for Venessa. Isabelle and Chase proposed that night itself. Faye crushed on Noah, your class's Noah. And well Lilie-", he stopped and I was starstruck.
But I managed to ask "Woah waoh! Lilie would never. She had boyfriend but the a****le didn't even attend her funeral"
"Sure? Yeah? Bet", he challenged me.
"You wouldn't know, you didn't even meet her then!", I spoke loudly while giggling
"Ah see? I didn't meet her doesn't mean I didn't see?", he got me interested
"See what? Ace..!? See. What!", I asked while rolling off the kitchen counter for some ice cream
"Nothing! See that..you know? How she looked at....". I raised m eyebrow but we still couldn't stop the aftermath of all the laughing previously.
"At.....ok fine. The rumours went around that she like me! Not my fault that I'm dang handsome!"
"Uh uh. Na. Nope. Nada. Lilie would never! Especially you", I said while moving my index left right vigorously
"Are you telling she would never cheat?", he asked with one eyebrow up and a smirk.
I quickly came near to him and said "N-E-V-E-R". He did not answer that. Looked like he never would so I asked him while he was giving me his extremely judgy look, "what?"
He didn't respond to that either. His face quickly changed from judgy to pity. But for whome? He just took my hand and spun me around and the next thing I knew is that we were dancing to 'A whole new world'. He did go home today but he still just had this look of pity or something when he looked at me. But as we said eachother good bye, he smiled. And that type of relieved me that whatever he was thinking or feeling, was not related to me. Or atleast I thought so.....

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