10) Forever

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After discovering the fact that my dad knew Ace's mom, it made sense for Ace to know my dad. But the question remained, "How?"

I couldn't possibly have talked to dad about it since he was gone, the only way was to ask him on video chat. But mom would also be there and I wouldn't ask it in front of her cause she would then get all sorts if bad ideas. This meant that I needed to talk to him alone. However, D wanted to be there and I let him. Cause at the end of the day, he was trustworthy and also included in this mission. It was 4 pm when I called my dad, an hour earlier than we called mom. The conversation started off with me and D, "Hey, dad" "Hello, Mr. Williams, I'm Dominique Dominguez. You daughter's friend"
He coolly replied with a smile, "Stay like that and turn into nothing more ok?"
"Yh, sure", we both chuckled
"So um dad.....I was wondering if you knew anybody with the title Calderone?", I asked seriously
His expression was very suspicious, as if he just got a shock, "Um....yeah. Bu-but why..do you ask?"
"Um you see D here, his friend actually knew your name and said you were his mom's work friend or something? D just informed me about it and I was just interested"
"Yeah, just that", D reassured
"Yeah....I actually do. And if that's all you'll need then I need to go. The boss just entered so....bye", he hurried
"I hate to break it but something's wrong with your dad and Ace's mom", D spoke softly. I nodded to that.

D and I then got into making a plan on how we can know more about Breanne.
"So here's the thing, we need to find some worker at your dad's office whose been there for as long as him and can tell us what we need", D explained with utter seriousness
"I know a friend of his through whome we can get to more people there. I just dont have the number of either of them"
"How about we just take a trip to your dad's office during the leaving hours? That you'll know the time I expect?"
"Bravo! We can go tomorrow ok? But we'll need an excuse to talk to the friend"
"That I'll worry about and anyways I'm pretty good friends with him so it's my duty", I said relieving D.
"Okay then Bye!", D said cheerfully. After that we said each other good bye and he drove off. I attended the call with mom and discussed about so many interesting things and processes they use for shooting different things. It was 5:45 pm when I finally got off my phone. Then I was basically chilling and watching netflix till the bell rang and my teacher came.

"Hel-looo miss", said Ace while scanning me head-to-toe
"Hello, sir. Pray come in and take a seat!", I shot his tone right back at him
Then he finally dropped his smile and replied, "What are we? In a Sherlock Holmes play?"
"Well, you say", with half a smile.
"Hmm. Let's get rotting on with it. Where's your kitchen?", he said with enthu
"This ways", I showed him. After reaching the kitchen and heating theTom yum I continued, "Made this last night. A bit too much of it actually". Then I started having it.
"Do I get to make comments?", he said after tasting it. I nodded to that since my mouth was full.
"It's um....not what you said it is. It's not Tom yum...but g-", then we both bursted out in laughter and in shortpauses Ace continued, "good- like not- not at all Tom yum- but good"
"Okay okay. Might be you can then first teach me how to make Tom yum! Or even better, my favourite white sauce pasta" and all of a sudden as if he was in shock, he spoke, "Wait, you don't know how to make white sauce? What's next? Teaching you how to boil pasta?"
"Yeah yeah okay I'm a dumbard, so what?". I watched him laugh endlessly and so I said, "Enough now Mr.Calderone! Attention and according to you, let's get rotting into it", I said with a childishly frown which he copied and went on to say, "Awww....sure. We're gonna start with butter and no we dont need white colour for white pasta, Ms.Cameron"
"Wow. Unknown fact", I rolled my eyes
"With your level of dumbness, I'm flabbergasted to know that you know that"

Then I watched him as we explained what he was doing and also always told the measure of each of the items he put in the racipe. But at the end he said, "But at the end, quantity is shit and feeling is everything". It was a mere 15 minutes before he presented me with white sauce all over pasta and some oregano to top it all of.
"Bon appetite, mademoiselle", with a gentlemenly gesture
"Merci, monsieur", I replied
"This pasta and spanish are both hotter than tolerable", I replied after taking out the piece of pasta I dad put in my mouth in a hurry. Disgusting thing to do, Rhyss.
"Oh wow. I actually started learning spanish way back but got interested in some other stuff and left it", I said a bit disappointed
"Oh you mean you got interested in me?", flirt
"Never have been", I said dramatically. "Mm but your pasta is just...so good!?", I said with my eyes closed
"Sorry, my?"
"No. Your.....pasta!", I screamed into his ears making him back off
"Disappointing", he paused a while then continued strictly, "You're fees for today though, will be to make this pasta for me and bring it to school. I'll judge it at lunch". Then he took the plate from my hands and said, "Serve yourself some". Then winked. We both watched 'To all the boys I've kissed' while sitting on the couch. After it got over, we washed the dirty dishes while singing some music.
Rhyss: I looked at him while he kept the dishes on his side...
Ace: I looked at her while she kept the dishes on her side...
Rhyss: He's extremely focused on whatever he does whenever. That's a good point for me cause he wont ever know when I look at him.
Ace: She gets so much into things sometimes that she wont ever know when I look at her.
Rhyss: And I guess I want him to keep coming
Ace: And I guess I want to keep coming
Rhyss: I want to keep meeting him
Ace: I want to keep meeting her
Rhyss: And in those blue eyes...
Ace: And in those brown eyes...
Rhyss and Ace: I wanna get lost forever........

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