11) Lilie Cameron 2

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Today morning was not a rush like it is usually. Since I needed to give Ace his yummy fees, I woke up on time and got it done. I was quite surprised though, to see D standing in front of my house with his hellcat.
"Noticed on the way yesterday that your car tire got punctured so......", he raised his shoulders and caved his neck giving the "idk" look. Cute.
"Oh ok. I didn't notice it actually. Thanks!", I said with a smile.
After we sat in our seats, D noticed, "How hungry are you today?"
"Oh no, that's for Ace", I cleared
"Hmm", he said. But with about a million more things he wanted to say which he shortened into 3 letters.

After D parked his car in our school parking, he waved me bye. But as soon as I turned away from him for heading to the lab for my chem class, he shouted, "Be out of crowds!". Then he gave an awkward smile but he meant what he said and so I was confused. Anyway I entered the lab and everybody was there. I guess this isn't a crowd? 3 periods got over in a blink, mostly because they were interesting but also because I was too busy either writing or thinking about what D meant by staying out of crowds. At lunch, I spotted Ace in the middle of the cafeteria and took a seat beside him. D was nowhere to be found. I handed Ace his lunch and he opened immediately with a huge smile
"Woah, Rhy. This is amazing! I'm finally such a great teacher eh"
"Whatever", I said rolling my eyes.
"When do I come today?"
"Oh no, you don't. I have some work today after school". I could see the disappointment on his face and I hope that he could see mine
"Okay.......Can I help you in it though?, he frowned
"Actually I need to clear Lilie's stuff so it's a bit personal?", I said with a sorry look cause I really was.
"Oh oh ok. Sure. Its fine". Suspicious reaction there, Ace
"Hmm. So you can come tomorrow same time though"
"Okie", he replied cheerfully and left. I could now see D who made his way through the door but I could also see everyone's eyes on me.
"Think I told you to stay away from crowds", then he grabbed my wrist and dragged me till we were outside. "Don't you get it Rhyss, you can't be seen with Ace!", he shouted
"Seriously, and why's that? His reputation isn't gonna harm me. It doesn't work like induction effect", I shouted back
"It does with him", he calmed down. "Anyway, we're going to your dad's office at 5 and till then we're gonna be at your house or mine. Choose", he commanded
"Mine, might be you can help me with Lilie's stuff and story. My mum told me to move the rest of her personal stuff when I'm free"
"No issues, then meet me by my car after dispersal", he turned away but continued again, "Without Ace"
"I'm not dumb", then I pushed him.

We met at last after dispersal. I managed to out run Ace during dispersal and reached D's car. But I noticed that Ace's car was nearby too. I mean it's basically D's car but Ace drives it. So I hid behind the hellcat when I saw both Ace and D coming together. Who's dumb now?
"Bye" was all I heard before D pointed me to get in fast and we drove off in a hurry. When we finally reached my house, we had some avocado toasts and got to work.
"Right, so you can wait while I assemble these into the boxes. You can carry them for me"
"Interesting", and then he sat on the pink chair trying to figure out my mom's violin. While I was arranging my sister's stuff, all I heard were distorted symphonies and also out of tune notes. Also his occasional "whaaaat the helllll?" and "Woah woah woah!" were audible. It was going pretty good before I found my sister's album which I never knew existed. It had good pictures but as I shook it a few times while trying to fit it into the only remaining space in the box, some pictures fell out.  And as much as I wished that I hadn't picked them up and saw them, I'm glad I did. I could not clearly understand who the guy was but Lilie's face was well recognizable.
And I guess the expression of utter shock was too clearly visible on my face. D asked, "Hey Rhy, what happened? What are those?"
"Just my sister and another guy adouring eachother but I dont know who it is", I said with disgust. I mean I don't have a problem that she did this stuff but who the hell keeps picture of them. But Dominique was too concerned cause he snatched them away and threw them away in the fireplace and lit it.
"What the actual hell, D? Why would you do that?", I sreamed
"I don't think you would like anyone at all to find it", he was calm and stone cold. And I agreed to that cause these pictures would cause a lot of trouble. And a very bad one. So I gave him the other one too
"Here then. I think they are remakes. Throw em all"
But D looked at it and there was utter terror on his face as he said slowly "Oh my god"

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