31)Meet you soon ft.Ace

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Here I am. 31st of December, between so many students when I should literally be sleeping at home. But the news of my precious target being at the party had caught up to me. So naturally I was there in the most simple and unattractive attire I could find. Cause let's be honest, I'm already a greek god. And also I didn't wanna attract much attention on me. Because as much as I wanted to ruin Ms. Cameron's life, I wanted no suspicions within miles of me.

The party had started off a long while back and since then, all I've looked at is her. Not because I like her even a tad bit. Ew, don't even think! But I just wanted to make it clear enough to her that I wanted something. Right now it is 9pm and a sane person ain't leaving till 12am. So there was still time but I wanted things to go as smooth as me. Smoother than cream cheese on bagel. Too much? Haha sorry....

Lilie had noticed my glances. And sometimes on purpose, I had stolen glances right when she thought of checking up if I still was staring at her, then quickly looked away. Potraying that I didn't want her to know about the NOT possible feelings I DON'T have for her. But let's be honest,again,she's too dumb to understand my acting. I had been doing these FAKE glances since the very start of this stupid party. And now it was time for action. I stood up and walked a few steps in her direction before turning sharp right and started walking straight. All while both of us observed eachother, her understanding that I want her to follow me and me knowing that she got the assignment. Smooth.

I headed over to the barn which was decorated woth flowers and balloons which made it look like we were at a wedding instead of a new year party. Not the point though. I went inside it and put a hand on the door, signaling that I'll close it once she enters too. She came in and stood right in front of me, a few centimeters away at most but not faar enough for me to not reach for and pull closer to......Save it you guys, take it slow.
"Don't", she said immediately after entering. "Don't close the door". She then put a hand on it and swinged it open wider. Might be not so dumb after all huh?
"Sure", a smirk grew on my lips. Cause there was this pleasure in me that I couldn't keep in. The pleasure of slowly getting what I need, what I need to destroy her.
She nodded at me then continued,"So um.....what's it?"
"Nothing. You look good today", I replied and quickly checked my phone. Which meant I turned on the camera I had previously fitted. I had fitted 2 or 3 of them, covering every possible square metre of the barn. I further added, "So um I was just wandering if you'd like to go out sometime together after today obviously. Whenever you wish"
"Oh.....um. Yeah fine". What a fricking cheater, I so don't feel bad for her. God save her one hell of an unlucky boyfriend.
We both were supposed to exit I guess but she didn't. So i did and hey....a goodbye kiss is always good right? And now that's what I did. I walked a step or two back in the direction but stopped. I turned back promptly, placed my right hand on her waist and with a swift tug I pulled her to my lips. But very carefully so that I didn't show much of my face, I took her other hand and put it on my cheeks. She got comfortable with it in a split second àfter realizing the reality and moved hands to my hairs. Her arms covering my face. I held her arm, further hiding my identity from the cameras.

The mellow kiss ended after a few seconds. We both let go of eachother after it and smiled at eachother. Her's being genuine while mine being fake. We both headed back to our friends and I settled down as if nothing had happened. She went to her boyfriend then he kissed her and then she looked at me shortly. Her eyes full of lust. Good that she believed me but again, too bad for her. Cause the emotions weren't mutual. It's even worse cause Alex and I, we know eachother. Not best buds but there is an understanding. We all joined the dance floor after that which our friend cum junior had set up, Aran. Aran Henley. And I'm pretty sure he saw me and Lilie with a weird look on his face but I ignored him. Gradually, it was time to leave. Just with everybody, I left too. But not before doing one last job. While I walked along Alex and a few more, I talked Alex into giving me her number. Well, he did not. I did but he just never knew.
"Hey, Alex. Can you give me your phone once?"
"Sure. But why? I don't know your girlfriend so what's the need?", he teased me. Yeah but you know your's
"I need to text D to see if he's home or sleeping like a horse again"
"Definitely second one", we laughed after Alex commented. And meanwhile, I opened his chats and send Lilie's number to D and then send a text saying "You home?". But I'm not a fool. I deleted the text with Lilie's number, but only from my side and then finally I returned Alex his property
"Sorry, I made a typo so deleted the message and rewrote it", I explained while handing the phone over
"Then he definitely will know you are drunk, you dumbass". Sure......dumbass

1st January 2022
Once again, I've done it, people! I have only 4 days atmost to complete all my assignments and hand them in. But you can guess, it was gonna get down to 3 days because I'll be busy today, with Ms. Cameron. Look, I have a lot to do today. First I have to somehow convince Lilie to go on a car date with me. And not in some fancy restaurant where making a woman cry was gonna get me thrown out by the collar. Not only cry though, I wanted to kill her. But again, no blood on my hands. I mean, not directly and not enough to get me in a jail any time soon. Now, enough talk. Time for action.
"Hey. Surprise?"
"Nope, Ace. I could guess it from the look in your eyes last night", she typed to me. Oh lord, I'm a born actor. Hollywood beware!
"Ah......now that's what I like to hear. Coming to the point...."
"Yes. Just tell me where"
On a lonely highway ,"A car date. I have an suv so no need to worry and I know the perfect star gazing spot"
"Ok! Wine? I'll bring it if you want"
Bring me a knife and your life, bitch. "Yup! Drunk star gazing will be a new one"
"Will we be doing anything else? I mean not THAT. Anything else"
Yes, I'll be making you wanna kill yourself till you finally do. "Movie. To all the boys I've kissed before"
"Sounds hot. I'll be at your's at say.....9?"
"Perfect". And there goes my appointment with Ms. Cameron. I just need to prepare every fricking way I can stop her from yelling at most.........meet you soon, okay?

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