37) The new normal - Dominique

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Nothing funny. But I'm always there to cover people's shit up. Just like right now I am putting Mr. Cameron's body in the bean bag. Or atleast trying to while with every inch of him that I put in, Mrs. Cameron starts whailing. And amidst all that, I'm also trying to find a very very very important piece of evidence. The knife.

This business now is not tearing me up it's making me furious. Cause number one, Ace is what I call a brainless rebel. Number two, he's put fear and terror in every nook and corner of my life. I can't get caught by the police for overspeeding down the freaking highway.

Cause every time I see one approaching me, I'm like, "It's over. They found the truth. Happy jail time". Sweet sentence has now turned into, "It's over. They found the truth. Happy death sentence". Oh and number three. He needed to take away the one person who has ever stopped my thoughts. Rhyss. All the anger in me that has shaped over the few months has just tripled or infact multiplied ten freaking times since the third point existed.

I get it. I'm not enough. Not...better. But it's not like I want her either. I need her. And that's.......that hurts. It should and it will. Cause it will hurt you if the every and in my case only moment of happiness is snatched away from me. Actually, it just walked away.

I manage to get him inside it but not completely. So I took another one and this time I put the uncovered part of his body inside first, his legs, and then made it up to his head. This time easily, as the slippery nature of the bag made the body slide in automatically. Kudos.

As soon as I was about to put it aside, Mrs. Cameron rushed towards me. I was a bit afraid at first but then she just asked me, "Can you please tell me, th-that all this.....?". And here we go again

What felt like an eternity to explain, was finally over with. I couldn't bother about the tears that were pushing their way out of her eyes. Cause I could see also, the rage which was about to make it's way out of her. Like a volcano sounds funny but believe me......it was.

After a few seconds merely, she rushed to where Ace had ran towards previously. I tried to stop her but I didn't wanna was the first thing and also she's a woman. I cannot touch her. And I won't.
"Mrs. Cameron, stop. I can handle it! Uh....sh-",I tried as I followed her up the stairs and into the room.

Guess what I found? Another f***ing body to dump in a grave. Amazing. Oh, and along with my 'very very very' important piece of evidence crafted right into the place where it had also previously been in another person. Good craftsmanship, Ace.

"Looks like, he handled it",Mrs. Cameron whispered under her breath. Good humour, huh?
"Yeah he sure did. I'll clean it up don't worry"-"happily"
"No, no. Nothing. I was thinking.....Rhyss".
I denied a million times about whose body my own two hands were putting in. All the pain was excruciating. But that was backed up by satisfaction of whose body I'm about to pack next. And eventually, nail down beneath the ground as well

Thanks to Mr. Calderone, Rhyss's destiny was the same as his. Although the tears were stinging my eyes because of Rhyss, they were being forced in due to the happiness I was getting seeing her indirect killer's body get packed by me.

A good few hours later, the bodies were finally in their respective bags and soon to be coffins. I sprayed some room freshner as a precaution to keep the smell of blood away. And since a typical dead body doesn't start smelling before 24 hours or more, I need not do anything about that.
"What are you planning to do?", Mrs. Cameron leaned against the door frame of Rhyss's room.
"Gonna put it-"
"Them", she corrected me as she came forward to help me carry them down the stairs one by one. Although I'd very much rather throw Ace's one down the f***ing balcony.
"Them in an ancient grave. Don't worry, I'm very careful in my steps"
"Noticed it while you were....you know, erasing possible evidence". I nodded to that. Not knowing if that was a compliment or mockery of my previous deeds.

After I finally got them down. But now, I needed to get many, like many flowers. And also a shovel or two.Ask yourselves a question, will you? What's the best way to hide a body? To not hide it at all. I mean, the dead are dead. You can do nothing to help. So just put them where they belong. In a grave, under the ground, peacefully forever in their coffin.
Luckily, I got two shovels on sale and also bought two dozen or more flowers. At the strike of 10 pm, the bodies were loaded in my car with me and Mrs. Cameron in the driver's and passenger's seat respectively. One of the bodies was places beneath the back seat and one on the back seat while the third rested in the trunk.

We drove 3 hours to reach a grave. But honestly, all I wanted was to do the job in the dead of the night. And the flowers helped perfectly to answer any police or person who looked at as. They either indicated that we were going to a funeral or a wedding.

I got out first with the flowers and walked around the grave checking the years carved on the tombs. I found many blokes but I chose the ones with the oldest years. I left three white and one pink rose on each of the tombs I had selected. After doing so, I went back and with Mrs. Cameron's help again, I took them all to their own graves. I took one of the shovels out and went back again to dig them up. Mrs. Cameron lend a hand as well and took the other shovel out to start.
After an hour or 2, the bodies were placed in three different graves. Rhyss's one went into somebody's named 'Genina Blackwood'. Mr. Cameron's one went with 'Charlie Algarve'. And though I wanted Ace's one to be in Hitler's grave, he was put in someone's named 'Dowen Foolard', the last name's first four letters completing describing him.

After the business was finally over, we drove back. I dropped Mrs. Cameron off and then went home. I cleaned the shovels thoroughly and then dumped them in the dustbin outside along with the rest of the garbage at home. I went to sleep afterwards and as simple as that, everything was back to normal. The new normal.

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