28) I loved you

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I read the expression on Ace's face. A combination of him wanting to kill me but also indicating that we're in trouble. I couldn't understand the second part cause unfortunately from my standpoint, the side wall blocked me from seeing Rhyss who was sitting on Ace's bed. Seriously kill me. I only got to know it after I walked forward till I could see those very familiar black jeans and air jordans. As my eyes rode up nervously to the person's face, not wanting to believe Rhyss heard what i just said, she spoke up unhinged by me "Wassup?"
I looked at Ace for a bit too long like I was dumbfounded on what to answer. So she continued finally getting to the point "Oh no I mean wassup with my dad? And Luke"
"Um...well", I gestured Ace to go ahead and handle the situation.
"Rhyss...", Ace started
"Tell me now and don't dare lie! If you're gonna be brave enough to call my dad a killer, you better have the guts to tell me the reason!", her voice boomed through the walls
"Whoa whoa whoa calm down!", Ace tried to make her sit back
"No! You tell me what the hell is on with you guys, calling my dad, a killer!!". She pushed his hands back and looked at me
I could not answer her since I didn't know anything myself. Only Ace did.
"Right. You won't tell me, well I'll find it out myself just like I did for your mom", Rhyss added. I could see Ace's face getting red hot and his eyes on literal fire. His hand was fisted. But I know he won't harm her. So I let him be and exited the room. This was gonna get personal and I didn't wanna disturb their privacy.

"Rhyss, just leave". My anger was rising through the roof and today, I might just say what I want to. But I didn't want her to know the truth. Before I could think any further, she stepped forward. There were tears in her eyes when she spoke. Her lips were trembling and her breathing was shaky.
"I'm sick of finding and finding and finding, for answers! For the truth! For my sister cause nobody, Ace! Nobody cared to know! And I get some hope to know that somehow, and I don't care how but you know what happened! So please...all I am asking for is for all the truth that you know. And nothing else, nothing else. I-I don't care who you'll blame or why but just tell me this. Who did this, to her?"
I looked at her, one last time, before spilling the truth and shattering her heart. Shattering mine, to know that I have hurt her...I have hurt the only girl I've loved since my mom.
My breathing now matched her pace or perhaps even faster. I was shaking, the weather was chilling, but my heart was even colder. For It was afraid to answer,"Me"
She stood there, staring at me after this. Her eyes were needy, and I just wanted to know that they need me. Her breathing became slow and I could hear her heartbeat, and I just wanted to know that they'd still skip a few beats when they see me. Her lips were a bit apart, and I just wanted, to know, that they....were still waiting for mine.
She slowly walked back, she walked away. She faced the door, she left. She whispered "I loved you", she doesn't love me.She opened the door and ran out, she took my heart and ripped it apart.

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