21) @Rojas_D_Luke

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"Any reason why you're waiting outside your door instead of taking your goddamn car out?", I question D who was standing outside, hands in his pocket, for idk why reason. I planned to go on a drive today early morning since Dominique was not gonna come over and Ace wasn't gonna either. On the way to the jazz, I saw D standing outside his door, near his car but not doing anything. Navy polo, white chinos and expensive rolex. Hot. So I asked him.
"Any reason why you're driving early in the morning instead of studying?", he said with an expression of annoyance.
"Ok no.1 you don't need to tell me what I should be doing and no.2 what's happened to your arm?", I spoke the 2 with 2 different tones
"Sorry", he rolled his eyes and took a seat beside me. On the way to the jazz he said, "I just...fell on the glass table at Ace's house"
"We were full mode drinking bacardi and some of it fell over from Ace's hands which were as slippery as his mind then and next time I got up, I stepped on it, slipped, and well...here I am with a beautiful arm"
"You guys were drinking without me? Heck you", I blurted out loudly in the end to which D chuckled a little.

As we pulled over to the jazz after multiple voice cracking songs, we parked my Ranger Rapter near the window to which 2 seats were empty. D signed from outside at the waiter to keep that table for us. We went inside and got seated. I came back after ordering 2 drinks and a plate of fries. Obviously I started the chat, "Ever drink anything other than bacardi? Cause I just ordered a mojito. The spicy one"
He gave a little smile of gratitude before he started,"Got anywhere with the diary?"
I didn't really want to tell a yes but to be truthful, I haven't. "Can't say I have"
"Hmm...I think we should talk to um..Luke once?", he continued the sentence slowly with a bit of hesitation and fear
"Okay....you wanna or should I?", I replied. Not paying much heed to his absolutely suspicious behavior
"Um...I should cause you already went once. It might look sus and you know? I'm our spy guy so..."
I just nodded to this with a small smile. He was honestly being weird.
"You got his number?"
"Took it last time only". I opened my phone and showed him the number saved as 'Luke(Fendy's bf)'
"Cheeky", he commented on the name I saved Luke as. I chuckled to that and kept my phone inside my denim's pocket. Our drinks arrived finally and after seeing that, D put down his phone on the table. The screen was on for a second or two. We both noticed it at the same time. Only he went on to close it, while I noticed the name he had saved Luke's number with. 'Luke Rojas'
D said as soon as he closed his phone, "Holy jes-us- christ!"
"That's just the first sip settling in. Wait for the last one!", I dared him. The rest of the conversation went on about jalapenos and wasabi and stuff. Till he finally reached the last few sips. As he took one and waited, he couldn't even swear. He was almost definitely watery eyed and burning red. I only laughed to that. And that laughter made me go teary eyed. When we finally stopped, he sat there with his hands on his forehead and eyes closed.

We soon left the jazz and drove back to our respective houses. On the way to mine when D had already gone off, I went to Ace's and asked him if he could come today too. He said he will. After I finally got comfy in my bed, I wondered what really was Luke's title and it is definitely Rojas or else D won't save it. I mean, nobody will save a person's name with a random title if they didn't know. For example, just because Idk Fendy's title doesn't mean I'll save her as 'Fendy Kardashian' or 'Fendy Jenner'. Even though she is one. The best way to know was instagram. My dad's following list must have him or atleast Fendy's will. Also neither D nor Ace follow either Fendy or Luke or even my dad, which is obvious cause why would they? Therefore, how did he know? I quickly without wasting time, went to Fendy's profile. Guess what? It is Luke 'Rojas'. The fact that D might be already knows Luke more than I do with no possibly explanation of 'how?' has only raised suspicions against him. I am alone in this now. Or might be.....I was always alone in this?

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