22) Pictures, rooks and the king

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Here I am with nothing to do for 5 mins till Ace is supposed to arrive. I just got off of doing trigonometry and hoped to get some rest. But come on....when has luck been on my side? Never...obviously. When the bell rang, it took every ounce of enery in me to get up, walk down the million stairs, walk to the door, twist and turn the lock and finally, pull the door towards myself. Somehow I managed to do that and I wasn't disappointed. Cause come on, Ace Calderone in black sweatshirt, grey jeans and messy hairs is a sight.
"Think you should come over today instead. Need a min to get ready and come down?", he offered with a smirk.
"Be right back". It was a max 5 mins before I came down looking like a human rather than a sleeping koala.
We got into his car and started making our way up the street. It was a bit dark, the sun went down early and the lights weren't on yet. So it was mr.headlights for the rescue. Since Ace doesn't sing, we talked. "So...you hurt D. Yesterday". His face turned pale after hearing this. "Spilling bacardi on the floor and waiting to clean it up till someone trips on it, is foolish". His face regained it's colors and he gave a little fake smile.
"Not as foolish as not bringing my fees", he mocked.
"Oh lord...I promise I had made it but I just forgot....I'll positively definitely probably give it to you tomorrow" he giggled a little at my forgetfulness.

Soon we were pulling up at his house. After I went inside, I sat down on the couch with the missing glass table. He had gathered all the broken pieces up and put them at a corner of the living room. "Plan to throw it?"
"Tomorrow early morning. Don't worry, I do have those plans". We both went upstairs to his room. I sat myself on his bed. While he opened the washroom door, he said "Wait here, I'll be back in a sec after emptying a bloody dam"
While he was in, I looked around. It was opposite of D, so much sports stuff but not exactly messy. A bit filled I guess. Then I noticed a picture on his desk, kept between his books. More like hidden. A picture I've seen before. It had another picture below it. I took both out. It was the photo I had given D. The one which I believe Lilie and her bf or whoever remade it and the original one. The bigger question though, is the other picture, the one that D threw into the fireplace. What is it doing here? And how is it here? Cause definitely the pic I gave D, was now in ashes. So does this mean that Ace has the picture too? Then is he the guy? I kept it quickly once I heard the flush and water run. I went downstairs to the sink and washed my hands. He emerged behind me. "What are you doing?"
"Ah!", I shireked. "Holy jesus, Ace. Pray don't give me a heartattack"
He made a sonorous thump with his hand on the wooden slab once before he scooted out of the way, to scare me more. Well, it worked is a shame. I just glared at him, both laughing at myself but at the same time, doubting him. I asked him what were we gonna do, he answered
"Have fun? No class. It's holiday from me"
"Oh......well........can we talk about Lilie? It's her birthday tomorrow", meanwhile I dug my hands into my oversized hoodie's sleeves. He narrowed his eyes at this.
"You mean 31st January?", he tried to confirm. That's when it hit me that I had made a mistake....or was it intentional? "Ah sorry no it's 1st jan. Slip of tongue."
"Oh um..no..not for that it's-" he hesitated and stuttered. But then he continued, "Not the point, cause 31st is our School's annual before the new year starts"
"Oh right. When does it start again? And whatcha wearing?", I got distracted by it cause I seriously forgot all about it.

He took me upstairs again and I noticed that the pics weren't so well kept by me, he might understand if he notices. He went over to take the invite out from his drawer, which was given out by our school and informed, "Says that it starts at 8pm. Dress code is blue, black and silver. And unmentioned fact, no bikinis allowed". Meanwhile I went over to put the pics back more precisely but Ace turned over to me and caught me. So I quickly took the original pic (one which was not of Lilie) into my hands. And asked him with a confused, "Hot pic, who are they?"
Ace came forward and immediately snatched it, took a look, took the other photo too and kept it into his phone case which went into his pocket. He replied in a grave voice, "Ren Dono". Wth
"Who is tha-", I ask acting perplexed.
Ace interrupted sharply,"In navy blue and silver. Be ready tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 7", he rushed down to the stairs. I followed him sluggishly, mostly due to the thoughts in my head due to all that happened.

On the way to home, we talked about tomorrow's concert. You know...just to end things on friendly terms? Cause I am gonna need a king to defeat, now that I have a rook to move.

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