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Chapter 005

Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie lay down in the room to sleep.

Ruan Jie asked Ruan Xi, "Sister, are we really going to separate?"

Obviously, I was still a family yesterday, but now I am seriously proposing the separation of the family, and suddenly feel that it will soon be out of the family. The family was together for more than ten years and suddenly said that she wanted to separate, which was quite unacceptable.

Ruan Xi doesn't care about this. As a person in the 21st century, she is more suitable for small families with small populations than large families of more than ten people. If there are many people, there are more things, and there are more contradictions and quarrels. Whether there is a blood relationship or not, it is the same.

People like Ruan Changgui and Sun Xiaohui who only want to take advantage of them and can't suffer a loss. The more calculating their stomachs, the sooner they will be separated. Otherwise, when she learns craftsmanship, they don't know how to do everything they can to take advantage of her.

They divide their families and live their separate lives. At that time, they can't take advantage of them.

She said, "It should be."

Ruan Jie lay in bed and sighed, "But I don't want to follow my parents."

Ruan Changgui and Sun Xiaohui are not good to her daughter. She can be said to be brought up by her grandmother Liu Xinghua. In addition to working, Ruan Changgui and Sun Xiaohui focused on Ruan Yuejin and Ruan Yuehua.

If you call her every day, there must be something to do with her.

Ruan Xi said directly, "Then you can say it directly."

Ruan Jie hesitated, "Can you say it?"

Ruan Xi said, "Why can't you say it? But if you are with your grandparents, don't eat inside and out in the future. You have to remember that you were raised by your grandparents. If you want to be kind to your grandparents, your parents have to go back.

Ruan Jie thought for a moment, "Then I'll ask grandma in private tomorrow."

Ruan Xi did not struggle with these things. He stood up sideways and closed his eyes to brew sleepiness. He quickly fell asleep.

She went to bed early and woke up early the next day. She got up to wash her hair, help Liu Xinghua make breakfast together, and washed dirty clothes with Ruan Jie. After breakfast, she didn't stay at home more, so she carried her schoolbag directly to Jinguan Village.

When the family went out, Ruan Jie went to ask Liu Xinghua, "Grandma, if you are separated, can I follow you and grandpa?" I don't want to follow my parents. They only have big brothers and younger brothers in their eyes, and there is no me at all.

Liu Xinghua said, "The separation of families still lives together. It's the same as anyone else. You can eat better with your parents."

Ruan Jie shook her head decisively, "It's different. They don't give me something delicious. They are all big brother and younger brother."

Liu Xinghua turned her head to see her. Her granddaughter hurt herself and said, "It depends on what your parents mean. If they agree, you can eat in our pot." But grandma wants to save money to marry your fifth uncle to marry a daughter-in-law, and she usually saves it.

Ruan Jie smiled and said, "I won't pick my mouth."

Liu Xinghua is like a big backer from the wind and rain. "Then you can follow grandma."

When Ruan Xi came to the tailor's shop with a schoolbag on his back, the old tailor was still having breakfast.

Ruan Xi said hello to him, and then put down his schoolbag, picked up the broom and sweeped the floor in the room.

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