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Chapter 044

In the hazy morning light, Ruan Xi, Ruan Jie and Ruan Cuizhi breathed the spleen-spleen air in the mountains and stepped on the mountain road from Jinguan Village to Fengyan Village. The sun rises with a tip on the top of the mountain in the east, depicting the rolling mountain line.

Ruan Cuizhi said, "Your fifth uncle should be home before noon."

Although the two families are far apart, everything comes at a time. Ruan Changsheng went to town after calculating the time. After eating the banquet at the Qian family, he took the bride back and arrived home just in time for today's lunch banquet.

The banquets were eaten scatteredly, and the wedding was over in the evening.

Ruan Xi glanced at Ruan Jie and said with a smile, "I don't know what our mother looks like."

Ruan Jie: "The fifth uncle has high eyes and must be very good-looking."

When I came last year, villagers saw it and said they looked good.

The three of them went home as they spoke. When they got home, they just caught up for breakfast, so the family served rice and chopsticks, and then sat down at the table and had breakfast together.

After a day off, Ruan Changfu and Feng Xiuying looked much better, not as tired as when they first came back yesterday. The spirit relaxed, and the atmosphere at home naturally relaxed, a little more like a family.

Since you are a family, of course, you should say some irrelevant gossip, not restrain yourself, make the family like a leader's reception. Everyone pays attention to their words and deeds, and they are alienated.

Liu Xinghua asked Feng Xiuying, "How old is the soldier?"

Hearing this, Feng Xiuying glanced at Ruan Hongbing, who was eating in her arms, smiled and said, "According to the first birthday, he was born in six or nine years. He is still in kindergarten. She plans to let him go to the first grade next year."

Liu Xinghua subconsciously wanted to ask the other children how they were doing, but when she thought about it, she had never seen it. I'm afraid she wouldn't see it in her life, and it was boring to say it, so she stopped and didn't ask.

So she continued to say, "It's good to go to school. The children in the mountains are hard, and there is no place to go to school."

With that, she glanced at Ruan Xi, Ruan Jie, Ruan Yuejin and Ruan Yuehua, "They all went to school for a few years before the revolution, and then the revolution made trouble with our only teacher. If we don't let anyone teach, they won't go to school again."

Liu Xinghua said this simply subconsciously following the topic, but she said that she was unintentional, others listened to it, and the smile on Ruan Changfu and Feng Xiuying's faces did not look so natural in an instant.

After all, the contrast in this sentence is too obvious. Several other children are studying in the city and living a good life. Only Ruan Xi is in the countryside alone. He can't even finish primary school and live a hard life in the mountains.

Ruan Changfu said, "I still have to read to pick up Xiaoxi this time and let her continue to go to school. I don't feel anything in this mountain. I didn't know until I got out. I can't read like a blind man.

He didn't have much literacy at the beginning, but later he slowly went to the army to eradicate illiteracy.

Hearing this, Ruan Cuizhi looked at Ruan Xi, and the two secretly exchanged their eyes and no one spoke.

Sun Xiaohui over there said, "Brother and sister-in-law, are you going to pick up the stream this time?"

Feng Xiuying smiled and said, "The conditions permit, and I have to take over."

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