Chapter 050

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Chapter 050

In the north room, in the dark night, Ruan Qiuyang and Ruan Qiu-Yue lay in bed side by side.

At first, the two of them were at peace with each other, and no one paid attention to each other. They lay down back to back, and regarded each other as air.

Then he lay sideways and slept for a while. Ruan Qiuyang suddenly lay flat and spread out his body. He put down his arms and legs and deliberately touched Ruan Qiuyue.

Ruan Qiuyue didn't want to touch her, so she moved out and let go a little away. As a result, as soon as she got out of the way, Ruan Qiuyang also moved and squeezed next to her again. After squeezing like this several times, he directly squeezed Ruan Qiuyue to the bedside.

Ruan Qiuyue took inhalation for a while, but couldn't help it. Suddenly, she stretched out her leg and kicked Ruan Qiuyang.

Ruan Qiuyang was kicked unexpectedly by her and shouted, "Dead girl, you want to die!" I'm getting angry, right!"

Ruan Qiuyue asked her angrily, "How much place are you going to sleep?"

Ruan Qiuyang deliberately squeezed a little on her side again, directly squeezing Ruan Qiuyue into the air.

She said, "I can sleep as much as I want. Didn't you just recognize an old sister bun? I'm not happy to sleep with her. Don't sleep with me. Her room is sunny and it's more comfortable to sleep.

Today, she was bullied by Ruan Xi, and Ruan Qiuyue gloated!

Ruan Qiuyue was about to be squeezed out of bed by her. She was not in the mood to talk nonsense to her, so she stretched out and kicked her again.

Ruan Qiuyang was kicked angrily by her, and this time he kicked back.

She was squeezed into place again and was kicked to the ground by her.

A sensation spread to Ruanxi's room next door.

Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie were ready to go to bed. Just as they were about to fall asleep, Ruan Xi suddenly opened his eyes in shock by this voice and subconsciously raised her ears.

Ruan Jie was just about to fall asleep and woke up. She was not very used to sleeping in this kind of building for the first time, so she nervously hugged Ruan Xi's arm and asked her, "What's wrong?" Is the house going to collapse?

Then as soon as she finished speaking, she heard Ruan Qiuyue fight with Ruan Qiuyang next door.

Ruan Xi said, "There is a fight next door."

Ruan Jie listened to her voice, "Ruan Qiuyang and Qiuyue?"

Ruan Xi: "It must be Qiuyue who came close to us today. Seeing that Ruan Qiuyang was bullied, crying and gloating, Ruan Qiuyang had nowhere to vent his anger on this day, so he sent it on Qiuyue when there was no one else. She usually likes to bully Qiu Yue, so she can't sleep peacefully with her.

As she spoke, she pulled away the blanket and got up, and Ruan Jie quickly got up and followed her.

Ruan Xi quickly opened the door and went out. He went to the next room to reach out and turn on the lights. Ruan Qiuyang and Ruan Qiuyue knelt on the bed and stood in front of the bed. They were collecting each other's hair.

Ruan Xi did not hesitate much. He went up and grabbed Ruan Qiuyang's hair and asked her, "Let go!"

Ruan Qiuyang screamed and let go of Ruan Qiuyue in an instant.

Then she scolded Ruan Xi again: "The hillbilly, you want to die!" I'm not a matter of fighting with Ruan Qiuyue! Don't mind my noses here! You don't count the people in this family at all. You'd better be honest!"

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