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Chapter 025

The green grape leaves are as thick as a cover, and the rhubarb cat walks back and forth on the grape rack, like a soldier patrolling the wall. Or if a flyworm flies up, it immediately stretches out its hairy hair and grabs it, and the center of its claws harvests into a pink meat plum blossom.

Under the grape rack, there was an old rattan chair with white hair and white beard lying on it and shaking slowly.

Ruan Xi was sitting in front of the main house and drawing two paintings, drawing the vineyard and the big tits above, as well as the old tailor sitting in the rocking chair below. After painting, she got up and showed it to the old tailor and asked how it was.

The old tailor took off the painting and said in his mouth at the moment his eyes were swept up: "It's a little talented."

No one teaches it. If you groped for painting, you can actually draw well.

Ruan Xi smiled and looked at him and said, "Smartness is by no means blow."

The old tailor glanced at her white and returned the painting to her. "Don't blow it. At this level, you still have to practice."

Naturally, I have to practice slowly, and Ruan Xi is not in a hurry. There is really nothing to worry about living on this mountain. The most thing is time. No one urges no one to rush. Just take your time.

Oh, that's not true. Didn't Ruan Yuejin urge her to drive her behind her?

Ruan Xi returned to the main door with the painting and glanced into the house. Ruan Yuejin lay down under the sewing machine and pulled out the bottom line. You don't have to look at it. He must have sweated again.

The old tailor has asked him to practice the wiring recently, using old lines and some basically useless rags. Ruan Yuejin can step on the empty machine, but the serious sewing of the cloth can't work.

He broke a few lower lines on the machine, messed up the thread, and the bottom line was stuck from time to time.

The bottom line was stuck. He didn't dare to let the old tailor know. He secretly took it out and sorted it out by himself.

Ruan Xi just pretended not to see it and sat down to continue painting his own painting.

Ruan Yuejin went home for dinner at noon, and Ruan Xi still stayed at the old tailor's house to cook. In the afternoon, Ruan Yuejin came over again. There was nothing else. The three of them were still busy. When the old tailor was tired at home, he went out for a walk.

After the old tailor went out, Ruan Yuejin sat impatiently and stepped on the machine again. He stood up directly from the sewing machine, stood next to Ruan Xi, talked to her, and asked her, "Oh, is the third aunt really going to divorce?"

Ruan Xi was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued to draw, "It's none of your business?"

Ruan Yuejin choked and said, "She is my third aunt. Can't I care about it?"

Ruan Xi sneered, "You'd better care about yourself."

Ruan Yuejin was speechless, "Can't you talk well?"

Ruan Xi stopped the pen in his hand and turned his head to look at him. "What do you have to say with me?" Your mother reported me. Did you forget? You came here to learn craftsmanship to squeeze me away from the old tailor's house, right?

Ruan Yuejin choked again and made a sound for a long time, "My mother misunderstood you and didn't really want to hurt you. She was just right-hearted and couldn't see this kind of behavior. I came here to learn crafts for myself."

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