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Chapter 031

Ruan Xi looked at Ruan Yuejin and said this, and everyone else looked at Ruan Yuejin.

Under the scrutiny of everyone's eyes, his face was red, blue, purple and black. After learning craftsmanship for so long, he has never felt that he didn't learn well, because no one around him compared with him at all.

The old tailor usually doesn't care much about anything. He teaches all his skills once and let him go. Moreover, the old tailor taught without rules, just like when he taught Ruan Xi, what he thought of teaching.

Ruan Yuejin has always felt that he learned very well.

Until today.

He looked at Ruan Xi, watched her gently step on the clothes made by the pedal, and looked at the clothes that she couldn't even see the rough thread. All the distance between the feet and the edges of the cloth was overweighted, neat and perfect.

He stood still, and his mouth was useless.

The people around him didn't help embarrassing him. They just felt that if it was put on him, even if there was no mouse hole on the ground, they had to hit a crack with a hammer and never come out again in his life.

His mother Sun Xiaohui worked in the production team and blew cows with people for half a year. How powerful he was to brag him. Whenever she blew his sewing machine well, she would step on Ruan Xi by the way, saying that she could only flatter.

Now it's all right. The cowhide is too big to stand the explosion.

It still exploded in front of these people in everyone's expectation.

And it also made Ruan Xi, who had always looked down on, and his face was cracked with his almost perfect craftsmanship.

Just say, is embarrassing or not embarrassing?!

Someone next to him was so embarrassed that he couldn't help clearing his throat.

Ruan Xi watched Ruan Yuejin standing without saying anything. Her fingers holding the cloth became tighter and tighter, and the knuckles turned white, so she put her finished coat on the sewing machine and got up to get the sewing bag.

She took a needle and thread bag and sat down. She picked out the needle of the right size, put thread on the needle eye, then picked up the finished coat and began to lock the eye with a needle and thread. If the button is good, you have to nail the button.

While doing these things skillfully and beautifully, she said, "I'll teach you something for free today. Being a tailor doesn't just need to step on the machine. Handicraft is also very important, and sometimes it's even more difficult than stepping on the machine. How to put the thread to look good, how to make the buttonhole beautiful, how to nail the button, how to deal with some cloth to be straight, all of which you need to learn.

Ruan Yuejin still didn't say anything, so he just looked at her.

She also did it very quickly, as if she didn't need to think and pinch at all. The needle in her hand seemed to be spiritual and naturally fell in the most accurate position. The needle and thread rises up and down quickly, which makes people even look even dazzling.

After locking the first buttonhole to deal with the thread, Ruan Xi looked up again and looked at Ruan Yuejin.

He asked him with a smile, "Have you learned it?"

Ruan Yuejin pinched the cloth and gritted his teeth - it was too degrading!

He threw the cloth in his hand on the chopping board in front of the old tailor, turned black and squeezed away the crowd out of the main room.

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