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Chapter 065

Ruan Xi thought for a moment and said, "I'll think about it again."

Considering that it would take time naturally, Xu Zhuo didn't ask again. He looked at the moon above his head and Ruan Xi. He had no time to talk to her and asked her, "Did you come to the compound this year?"

Ruan Xi also looked relaxed. "I've been here for a long time. It's been a year since May last year. It's just that I didn't get my household registration last year, so I didn't go to school and stayed at home every day.

Xu Zhuo said, "No wonder I haven't seen you."

Ruan Xi looked at the curved hook moon in the sky, and his voice became more and more relaxed. "I may not remember it. When I first came here, it was a little dark, and I didn't see the sun at home for more than half a year before it became like this."

Xu Zhuo looked at her side face and said, "Then I may not be as superficial as you thought."

Ruan Xi snorted and smiled, turned his head to him: "Not necessarily?"

Xu Zhuo looked at her silent for a moment and nodded and said, "It's really superficial..."


Ruan Xi said to think about it, but he forgot it after he began to study on Monday.

Xu Zhuo didn't ask her whether she wanted to go to the show on Sunday. On Saturday afternoon, he didn't come to school for class. He went straight to the theater with Chen Weidong and others to buy tickets, including Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie.

After buying tickets, they rode back, and they were still waiting outside the school gate after school.

Wait until Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie came out of school and went home with them.

Six or seven people walked side by side into the compound. When he was about to separate, Xu Zhuo took out the tickets in his pocket, took two tickets and sent them to Ruan Xi. She said to her, "You haven't told me about watching the performance. I went straight to the theater today to buy the tickets. Our brothers have all. This is your and Ruan Jie."

Ruan Xi was stunned, and then remembered what he mentioned last Sunday to go to the show. She looked at Xu Zhuo and his performance tickets, and then asked, "What's going on in the theater this week?"

Before Xu Zhuo could speak out, Chen Weidong replied, "Take Weihu Mountain wisely, Yang Zirong, you know?"

Ruan Xi nodded, "I've heard of it, Lin Haixueyuan."

Ruan Jie was a little stunned. Now she asked, "What performance?"

Chen Weidong looked at her again and said, "It's just a performance in the theater. Don't you have a propaganda team or something in your countryside to perform?" Generally, art troupes and propaganda teams perform these model plays, such as white-haired women, red women's army and so on.

Ruan Jie shook her head, "We don't have that."

No one organizes any propaganda team, let alone plays model plays, and at most, they learn to sing folk songs together.

Chen Weidong said, "Anyway, the tickets have been bought. Let's go and have a look at fresh."

Ruan Xi pinched the ticket and looked at Ruan Jie and asked for her advice: "Do you want to go?"

Ruan Jie hesitated for a moment and whispered, "I want to go."

Ruan Xi himself was also very interested in this performance, so he accepted the tickets and said to Xu Zhuo, "Then we will accept these two tickets. After watching the performance tomorrow, we will treat you to dinner."

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