Chapter 094

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Chapter 094

After saying that, Ruan Xi cleaned up a little, pushed his bicycle with his leather bag on his back, and went out with Ruan Hongjun Ruan Qiuyue and Ruan Hongbing. Ruan Dabao and Ruan Yue were too young to take them out, so she didn't take them with them.

After going out, Ruan Hongjun rides Ruan Hongbing, Ruan Xi rides Ruan Qiuyue, and he will exchange when he is tired of riding on the road.

Because they are not in a hurry, and they ride a bicycle and watch the scenery, so they ride slowly.

Ruan Qiuyue gently held Ruan Xi's waist while taking the bus and talked to her, "So when we went to the countryside with you, when we came back, I asked you if your third aunt was not married. You didn't say it at that time, just because the third aunt was divorced?"

Ruan Xi replied, "Yes, you were also young at that time. Things were quite complicated, so I didn't tell you."

Ruan Qiuyue took a breath and said gently, "I didn't expect that the third aunt had experienced so much. It must have been difficult, but now it's all over. Now my aunt is very good, and the third aunt is also full of hardships."

Ruan Xi said in a relaxed tone, "Yes, if you have all the hardships, you will get better and better in the future."

It was already noon when I rode to the city so slowly, and I was hungry, so Ruan Xi took Ruan Qiuyue Ruan Hongjun Ruan Hongbing and them to go to the restaurant for lunch.

This is the first time Ruan Hongjun and they have come to Beijing. Naturally, they should take them to eat something good.

Ruan Xi took them directly to the western restaurant, parked the car in the shed, went in and found a seat to sit down, took the menu from the waiter, put it in front of them and said, "Take a look, order whatever you want, and eat well."

Knowing that Ruan Xi is rich now, Ruan Hongjun smiled and said, "Sister, then we're welcome."

Ruan Xi smiled and said, "It's polite. I'm anxious with you on the spot now."

After saying that, all four laughed.

Of course, they didn't be very polite. They ordered something they liked according to the menu.

Ruan Xi plans to take them to several famous scenic spots in the city in the afternoon. If you can play a few, you can play a few. If you can't play, you can continue to play tomorrow. Just go to listen to the science lecture mentioned by Ruan Jie tomorrow afternoon.

But it was particularly hot at noon, so Ruan Xi did not take them to the scenic spot immediately. She happened to have something to do, so she took them to the front door and Mrs. Zhou's house first.

Although Ruan Xi has not been out of the stall for a long time and doesn't take much of the tailor's job, she saved several affectionate old customers in the year of the stall. She has been helping them make clothes these years. When she is done, she will send them away.

Ruan Xi took Ruan Hongjun to ride outside the courtyard of Mrs. Zhou's house, stopped the bicycle by the door, entered the empty gate to the second door, and shouted twice, "Grandma Zhou."

For a moment, Mrs. Zhou's voice came from the room, "Who is it?" Come in."

Ruan Xi took Ruan Hongjun into the second door and went to the yard. He went to the main room to pick up the fly-proof insect bead curtain on the door. When he entered the house, he saw Mrs. Zhou tilted on the kang couch, shook a fudan in her hand and said with a smile, "Grandma Zhou, it's me."

Mrs. Zhou seemed to have just woken up. She pauseed for a while before she said, "It's a stream."

After saying that, he sat up, looked at Ruan Hongjun and asked, "Who are these three?"

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