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Chapter 009

The bright sunlight peneted the door of the main room, cut the door frame and pressed down the blade-like shadow on the floor.

Ruan Xi sat next to this bright shadow with a clear sideline, pinching a small piece of old cloth in the gray corner of the left hand, pinching a thin needle in his right hand, lining back and forth on the old cloth in his left hand, and a big yellow cat lying at his feet.

The big yellow cat was full of sleep. He got up and bowed his waist and stretched out. He went to the feet of the old tailor, turned at his feet, and raised his head from time to time and meowed at him. The meow signal is extremely obvious. I'm hungry and want something to eat.

He catches rats by himself at night and finds an old tailor when he is hungry during the day.

The old tailor looked at the rhubarb cat and snorted coldly, "Eat the inside and outside, eat a hammer!"

This big yellow cat, named Big Mimi, is the only partner in the old tailor's life, and it can also be said to be his old companion. One person and one cat lived in this room, and the old tailor slept under the grape rack and talked to it.

But since he hit Ruan Xi to learn craftsmanship, Bigmi turned his head and stuck to Ruan Xi. Ruan Xi does things. He either plays with broken cloth strips next to Ruan Xi or sleeps at her feet. Only when he is hungry can he remember to find an old tailor.

Hearing the old tailor's words, Ruan Xi lowered his eyebrows and smiled and continued to pinch the needle and thread.

After closing the thread, she put down the scissors and needles and threads, took a few processed pieces of cloth to the old tailor, and said to him with a smile, "Master, I have finished the buttonholes you taught. Take a look."

He said one by one and sent it to him one, "This is flat-headed buttonhole."

"This is a round head button."

"Well, it's rolling edge buckle."

"And this one, the eye is not open. It's a decorative button."

Although every time I see Ruan Xi's do something, I will be amazed in my heart, but when I see her make something new, the old tailor can't help but marvel in my heart.

He has lived all his life. He has never seen such a talented person. There will be no bragging at a glance. And she not only looks at it at a glance, but also makes something that is not shabby and beautiful.

But he didn't show it. After watching it, he only cleared his throat and said faintly, "It's not bad."

Ruan Xi knew where her level was, and she could also see the old tailor's eloquence. She smiled and withdrew her own eye-catching eyes and said, "It's almost noon. I'll go home for dinner first. I'll come back in the afternoon."

The old tailor leaned against the back of the chair and closed his eyes. "It's not tiring to run back and forth. Let's stay and eat together."

What? What did the old man just say?

Ruan Xi was stunned and even doubted his ears.

She looked at the old tailor blinking, and her eyes unconsciously widened slightly, "What are you talking about?"

The old tailor looked impatient and said angrily, "If you don't want to, just leave!"

Ruan Xi never cares about his bad temper and laughed quickly and said, "Would like, of course."

If she stays for dinner, she can not only save food for her family, but also eat some good things. Why doesn't she want to? She knows how much the old tailor is.

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