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Chapter 051

After breakfast, except for Feng Xiuying and Ruan Xi Ruan Jie, the family went out one after another. Ruan Changfu went to work, and everything else went to school. People who went to primary school, junior high school and senior high school had to leave the compound, and Ruan Hongbing went to kindergarten in the compound.

Ruan Xi Ruan Jie had no study for the time being, and there was nothing else to do, so she naturally stayed at home.

Feng Xiuying was busy all morning and didn't be idle for a while. She first sanitized the house upstairs and downstairs, dried the sheets, bedding blankets, washed the whole family's clothes and went out to buy vegetables. She was almost noon when she was busy.

Naturally, Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie didn't ask her to wash their clothes, and the room didn't have to be cleaned up. After washing their clothes and hanging them up, they didn't go out to buy vegetables with Feng Xiuying. They went straight back to the upstairs room to rest.

Go upstairs and close the door. Sit down and whisper.

Ruan Jie grabbed Ruan Xi's hand and said, "Oh, my God, it's a lie to say that I can't sleep in the same room with others. It was really embarrassing just now. If it were me, I really wanted to find a hole to get in it. I won't come out for a lifetime.

Ruan Xi smiled, "Have you seen Ruan Changfu and Feng Xiuying? lmao."

Ruan Jie squeezed her lips and said embarrassedly, "I don't dare to look at anyone, as if it was me who was embarrassed."

Ruan Xi was relieved, "Well, Ruan Qiuyang is expected to live with Ye Qiuwen."

Ruan Jie thought for a moment, "What if she doesn't agree?"

"Noisy? Do it?" Ruan Xi smiled and said, "Then isn't her character more collapsed?"

Ruan Jie thought for a moment again, "It seems so."

The morning time was relatively short. Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie said in the room that they had a conversation and rested for a while, and it was soon noon. While Feng Xiuying was about to cook, the children came back one by one with schoolbags.

As soon as people came back, the quiet house gradually became noisy.

In particular, Ruan Hongjun, holding his wooden pistol, was "biubiubiu" everywhere.

Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie didn't go down in the room. Soon after, she heard Ruan Hongjun shout loudly, "Dear second sister, cousin, the old man is back!" Come down and eat quickly!"

Naturally, the old man is their father, Ruan Changfu.

Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie heard the sound and went to the restaurant for lunch.

Feng Xiuying was serving rice in the kitchen. Ye Fan was helping to bring the dishes and put them on the table, Ruan Qiuyue was putting chopsticks on the table. Ruan Hongjun and Ruan Qiuyang had sat down with Ruan Changfu, leaving Ye Qiuwen did not come back.

Ruan Changfu looked at Ruan Qiuyang and asked, "Where's your elder sister?"

Ruan Qiuyang cleared his throat and whispered, "She said she had something to do in class at noon and would not come back."

Ruan Hongjun laughed beside him and said, "Oh, you made her so faceless in the morning. How dare she still pay attention to you?"

Ruan Qiuyang gave him a direct look and said, "If it's nothing to do with you, you will die if you don't say anything, right?" It's endless all day long. Don't you think it's noisy?"

Ruan Hongjun was unconvinced, "You are the most noisy at home. After provoking this and that, do you still have the face to say that I quarrel?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Ruan Changfu slapped the table, and Ruan Qiuyang shut up in an instant.

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