Chapter 021

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Chapter 021

Ruan Xi didn't know how long he slept. When he was woken up by Ling Yao, the people on the playground were almost dispersed. She stared and opened her eyes and reacted for a long time before she remembered that she was watching a movie on the playground of Tianfeng Middle School.

Ling Yao said to her, "It's over."

Ruan Xi forced himself to wake up and realized that he was asleep holding the tree. She blinked at Ling Yao, spoke heavily, and said a little apologetedly, "I'm so tired."

Ling Yao's left hand still held her arm and held her arm and felt a little sad that she couldn't watch a movie, so he comforted her, "It's okay. I'll watch it again in the future. Anyway, those back and forth are those back and forth."

Ruan Xi just felt that he came to the cinema with him. It was a little inappropriate for him to fall asleep. She didn't feel anything about not watching a movie. She yawned for a long time, "Let's go back to bed."

When she went down the tree and walked back, she asked Ling Yao, "What does this movie talk about?"

Naturally, Ling Yao still felt that she was sorry. After all, this was her first time to watch a movie. Unexpectedly, she fell asleep after a while at the beginning of the movie, and she couldn't wake up.

So Ling Yao told her the content of the film in detail, "During the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, a political commissar of the volunteer army called Wang Wenqing. He went to the front line to inspect and met Wang Cheng, the son of his old comrades-in-arms, on the battlefield. Wang Cheng said that he had a sister named Wang Fang, who was also in the army. Later, Wang Cheng sacrificed in the battle. The animal. After Wang Fang met Wang Wenqing in the art troupe, Wang Wenqing recognized her daughter who had been separated 18 years ago..."

Hearing to him say about the full movie, Ruan Xi nodded and said, "I know, it's the story of a father and daughter who have been separated for many years. They met on the battlefield. The father helped his daughter keep fighting and finally recognized each other."

Ling Yao nodded: "Uh-huh."

Ruan Xi twisted his neck and said, "I'm really too sleepy after walking for two days. Let's see it again if I have a chance."

Seeing that she didn't seem to care much about it, Ling Yao relaxed.

The two of them returned to Ruan Cuizhi's house as they spoke. Ruan Xi's uncle and cousins had washed up. Ruan Xi and her uncle greeted her father-in-law, politely said a few short greetings, and her uncle went into the room to sleep.

Originally, she had little contact with her uncle and cousins. In the past, Ruan Cuizhi went back to her mother's house once a year, and she could meet her when she returned to the mountains. She hadn't seen her in recent years, so it was inevitable to make a living, and there was no enthusiasm.

It doesn't matter to Ruan Xi. Anyway, after seeing you this time, I don't know when I will see you next time. She stays here for one night and goes home after going to the winery tomorrow.

But Ruan Cuizhi was fine with her niece. When Ruan Xi and Ling Yao went to the cinema, she also took out and washed Ruan Xi and Ling Yao's clothes. After washing, she dried them for a while, and then ironed them again. Now she is dry.

Ruan Cuizhi took the clothes to Ruan Xi and Ling Yao and said to them, "When you go to the cinema, I took out your clothes and washed them. They have been dried. Take a shower and go to bed early. It's getting late."

Ruan Xi wanted to talk more to Ruan Cuizhi and asked Liu Xinghua how she had in recent years. Living in the town is much richer in living materials, which should be much better than in the mountains.

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