Chapter 103

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Chapter 103

The train moved forward at an even speed on the track, with a brightly colored osmanthus next to the window, and the branches trembled slightly as the train moved forward, shaking off the strong fragrance of the carriage.

Ruan Xi woke up from a deep sleep, opened his eyes and looked out of the window of the car. "Are you almost there?"

Ling Yao said, "It's almost there. It will take about half an hour."

Ruan Xi raised his hand to block his mouth and nose and yawned for a long time. He moved his shoulder and neck to relax his muscles and bones all over his body. He softened his bones on the back of the chair again. He turned his head and looked at Ling Yao and asked, "Are you nervous?"

Ling Yao couldn't help laughing, "Don't you be nervous?"

There is no denying that Ruan Xi is really nervous. After all, she has never experienced such a thing as seeing her parents-in-law in her two lifetimes. Fortunately, Ling Zhiyuan and Zhou Xueyun have known each other for a long time, so they are not particularly nervous. They are completely within the controllable range.

When the train arrived at the station, Ruan Xi followed Ling Yao from the railway station to his house.

Ruan Xi knew that the Ling Yao family used to be rich and had her own imagination, but when she saw his house, she couldn't help blinking in surprise. Because his house does not live in an ordinary house, but a detached old foreign-style house!

This well-preserved old foreign-style house, put in the later market, is also the price of more than billions of houses, and it is basically rich and can't be bought! Because this house, like the courtyard, is a legacy of history, and if it is expensive, it is less expensive!

Ling Yao saw her surprise and asked her, "What's wrong?"

Ruan Xiqing whispered, "Your family is so rich."

Ling Yao took her hand, "Now it's a very ordinary family."

Ruan Xi smiled and didn't say anything more. Which very ordinary person would live in such a house? The whole family squeezed a few rooms in the lane. No matter how bad the conditions were, the family was as crowded as living in a box.

Walking to the door, Ling Yao took her to knock on the door and entered the house. "Mom, I'm back. I'll bring Xixi back."

As soon as the sound fell, Ling Zhiyuan and Zhou Xueyun came out of the room. When they saw Ruan Xi's eyes lit, they blushed and greeted with a smile: "Oh, I haven't seen each other for so many years. Xixi has grown into a big girl."

Because they came back, they were mentally stressless and lived a relatively comfortable life, so they looked much better than when they were in the countryside. But after all, after suffering both mentally and physically, the traces of eroded by the years on my face are still obvious.

Zhou Xueyun is relatively better, because she dyed all her white hair black and permed her curly hair.

Ling Zhiyuan's white hair looks more vicissitudes and old-fashioned.

Zhou Xueyun pulled Ruan Xi into the house and didn't let her stand on the door.

Ling Yao held a suitcase and some gifts bought on the street in his hand, and went in with Ling Zhiyuan. Both father and son laughed happily and looked happy.

Such a lively festive has not been seen between their family of three for so many years.

Although their family of three became better after returning to the city, although Ling Yao said nothing when he came back, studied obediently and senscientiously, and did not add any trouble to them at all, Ling Zhiyuan and Zhou Xueyun knew that there had always been something in his heart.

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