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Chapter 071

The sun hung diagonally in the western air, and a piece of light entered the room, which made the room warm.

Liu Xinghua chopped cabbage and lard residues as filling, wrapped it in a white and soft dough, and then plated it in the shape of a steamed bun.

Qian Kuan stood up his five-month-old stomach and sat at the table to help Liu Xinghua wrap together. Liu Xinghua called her several times and asked her to put down her hand and go out to bask in the sun. She sat still, just to help Liu Xinghua wrap it up.

It's not boring for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to work as a companion.

After the steamed buns are ready, put them in the cage drawer. Under the cage drawer is a large pot of boiled hot water. Liu Xinghua stuffed the crack with a washed wet cage cloth, sat on the stove and continued to burn steamed buns, while Qian Kuan was still sitting next to her and talking with her.

After steaming two large white steamed buns, the sun also set to the top of the mountain, and the sun was glowing all over the sky in the west.

Qian Kuan stood up with his waist and wanted to go out to the toilet. As soon as he walked to the door, he suddenly saw that a group of five dolls from the city were about to arrive at the door, and several people took some luggage in their hands.

Ruan Xi, they naturally saw Qian Kuan and shouted, "Five Aunt!"

Qian Kushi smiled happily, "But it's back."

Liu Xinghua listened to the voice behind the stove and asked, "Who is back?"

Qian Kuan stood in the doorpost and looked back at her, "Who else, your five grandchildren?"

Hearing this, Liu Xinghua quickly put down half of the cage cloth washed out. Ruan Xi Ruan Jie took Ruan Hongjun to the door just in front of the door, and it was at least Grandma's fifth aunt who greeted.

However, I came here last year, and this time I became much familiar with it, and I no longer need to introduce it back and forth.

Liu Xinghua took them into the house, brought them the hot steamed buns that had just come out of the pot, and said with a smile, "There are cabbage and lard residues in the bread. The oil is delicious. You can try it quickly. You must be hungry on the way."

After walking on the mountain road for two days, it was rare to eat something hot. Ruan Hongjun was rude. After that, he opened his mouth and took a big bite. He bit the filling inside in one bite, and then shouted randomly.

Qian Kuan continued to go to the toilet with a smile. After returning from the trip, he happened to meet Ruan Zhigao and Ruan Changsheng. When Ruan Changsheng saw her running over to help her, he shouted gratuously and asked her to be careful.

Qian Kuan was originally a person who loved to crawl outside. She didn't like to be coquettish. She directly opened Ruan Changsheng's hand and said to him, "Don't scream. Xiaoxi Xiaojie is back. The three who came last year also came."

Ruan Changsheng was not surprised to hear this at all, but still helped her. "I came back last year, and I will definitely come back this year. Xiaoxi Xiaojie is two good children. Growing up in the countryside, I have a deep affection for us."

He was not in a hurry, but Ruan Zhigao immediately accelerated his pace and hurried home.

When I got home and entered the house, I saw five dolls in a house, and my face was full of joy.

Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie greeted him one after another, all saying, "Grandpa is back."

Ruan Zhigao found a place to sit down and asked them with a smile, "How's it going?" It's exhausting on the road.

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