Chapter 040

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Chapter 040

After finishing the work in Akaba Village, the sun is still half an inch away from the top of the mountain.

It was still early to see that Ruan Xi and Ruan Cuizhi did not stay for another night. The two decisively packed up the tools and left Chiba Village with greetings in the sunset, still following the two men carrying the sewing machine.

It's not good to gossip in the village. It's easy to say something private when I left the village. Ruan Cuizhi looked at Ruan Xi and said, "Listen to those who came to change clothes and go out beautifully this morning. Do you think it's possible to find Xiaowuzi?"

Ruan Changsheng did not talk to Ruan Xi and Ruan Cuizhi. Of course, they knew that Ruan Changsheng talked in front of Xie's mother, that is, he didn't want to remember his family, and wanted them to break their mind as soon as possible. Don't tosss around anymore. It's boring.

But I don't know whether they have broken their minds.

In the evening, Xie Tao came home and cried for a long time before it spread. Ruan Xi and Ruan Cuizhi were in a hurry again, and naturally they didn't know.

Ruan Xi thought for a moment and said, "I think it's very possible."

After all, Xie's mother could pull down her face to find Ruan Cuizhi and her almost inquire about the situation last night. If this kind of thing was placed on the most important person, she would not have been able to do it. At that time, they forgot how much they disliked Ruan Cuizhi? Are you not afraid of being ashamed?

But I'm not sure what it is. Ruan Cuizhi said again, "Go back and ask Xiao Wuzi."

Thinking in his heart, Ruan Changsheng must stop being soft on Xie Tao, otherwise there will be many embarrassing and embarrassing things next.

Ruan Xi and Ruan Cuizhi quickly returned to Jinguan Village and first went to the tailor's shop to put down the sewing machine and tools. Looking at the evening, I guess I must have eaten at home, so the two finished cooking in the tailor's shop before returning.

When they got home, Liu Xinghua, Ruan Zhigao and Ruan Jie had washed up and went to bed.

Ruan Cuizhi and Ruan Xi were not in a hurry to wash up. They went to Liu Xing's flower room first and asked curiously, "Where's the little five son?"

Before Liu Xinghua fell asleep, she looked at Ruan Cuizhi with an oil lamp and said, "Who knows where he goes? Anyway, she went out to fool around again and said that he would bring me a daughter-in-law back for a while."

Ruan Cuizhi and Ruan Xi looked at each other and felt surprised.

A few days ago, Ruan Changsheng had no signs about this matter. Today, he said he would bring his daughter-in-law back. Can he say...

Are you really soft-hearted with Xie Tao?

Ruan Cuizhi blinked and asked, "Is Xie Tao of the Red Badminton Brigade coming to him today?"

Liu Xinghua slowly hit the banana fan in her hand, "No one knows whether Xie Tao or not. Anyway, there are two before and after, one in a white coat and more beautiful, and the other in a big red coat."

Ruan Xi smiled when he heard this, "Two? The fifth uncle is so blessed.

Liu Xinghua said, "Anyway, I didn't see it. I didn't go out of the house when people came. Someone else saw it. It was also what others told me that the white coat's eyebrows were drooping and left first, and the red coat left, with your fifth uncle.

Ruan Xi turned around and asked Ruan Cuizhi, "Shou Gu, what clothes are Xie Tao wearing today?"

Ruan Cuizhi thought for a moment, "I remember those people gossip and said that Xie Tao was dressed beautifully, as if it were white."

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