Chapter 043

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Chapter 043

In addition to Ruan Xi's little shouting, there were other people shouting. When Ruan Zhigao, Liu Xinghua and Ruan Cuizhi heard this, they hurried out of the room, followed others, and went straight on the way.

After a short period of road, I saw a group of people walking on the mountain road from afar. It was their eldest son Ruan Changfu and his eldest daughter-in-law Feng Xiuying who were surrounded in the middle.

Ruan Changfu wore a military uniform and looked very eye-catching among the crowd. He was already tall, and his military uniform set off his more majestic and righteousness.

Ruan Zhigao and Liu Xinghua had glory and smiles on their faces, and proudly straightened their waist plates.

Ruan Changfu is the only golden phoenix flying out of their village. For the Ruan family, it is the existence of Guangzong Yaozu. For the whole Fengyan Village, it is also their face and glory to go out.

Ruan Changfu came back this time, which was more hilarious than Ruan Changsheng's marriage. Looking at the whole village boiling. Many people in the village greeted them, shouted briefly, and surrounded them to the Ruan family.

Although Nguyễn Changfu has four upper and lower pockets on his military uniform, he is kind and kind and has no shelf. No matter who speaks, he will laugh and reply a few words. Sometimes what he said is very funny, which makes everyone around him laugh.

Ruan Changgui and Sun Xiaohui also stood next to Ruan Zhigao and Liu Xinghua at this time, enjoying the glory and glory brought by Ruan Changfu. Of course, the two of them are more thoughtful, for example, jealousy.

Sun Xiaohui often said that if Ruan Changgui had been a soldier, this good day would have been theirs.

Because Ruan Changfu came back, the people who had nothing to do with each other in the village were excited, while Ruan Xi, who had the largest relationship with Ruan Changfu, sat in the corner and did not get up and continued to steal her melon seeds, as if she were coming to see the bustle.

She underestimated that she left without talking to melon seeds, and still squeezed into the crowd to see Ruan Changfu. After a while, Ruan Jie ran over again and said excitedly, "Sister, uncle and aunt are back. Why don't you go and have a look?"

Ruan Xi focused on ateing melon seeds and didn't lift his eyelids. "I don't know, I won't go."

Ruan Jie was stunned - how could he not know his own parents? But looking at Ruan Xi like this, she didn't say anything more. She didn't even dare to be happy and excited anymore and put away the smiles on her face.

Originally, she thought that when her uncle and aunt came back, the happiest thing should be Ruan Xi. Since Ruan Xi is not happy, she is not happy.

They were unhappy. Ruan Zhigao and Liu Xinghua stood together with the villagers and listened to the flattery for a long time. They heard that their faces were full of smiles. If they wanted to tie their mouths, they couldn't fit, and their waist poles became more and straighter.

When Ruan Changfu and Feng Xiuying approached, they heard a sentence "parents" from afar, and the old couple smiled and radiant.

As they came forward, Ruan Zhigao and Liu Xinghua treated Ruan Changfu not like a son, but like a guest with status. They smiled and asked, "It's not easy on the road. Are you tired?"

Feng Xiuying's appearance has not changed much. Like Ruan Xi, her face is small and small, but she is much older. She laughed and still had the implicitness and simplicity of the countryman. She looked at Ruan Zhigao and Liu Xinghua and said, "It's okay, but Xiaobing is a little uncomfortable."

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