Chapter 020

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Chapter 020

Sun Xiaohui raised his hand and sighed Ruan Yuejin's back. He watched him calm down and breathed a sigh of relief. She looked back at the old tailor's house with her basket and thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, go back first. We'll come back in the afternoon."

I just blushed. Even if Ruan Yuejin didn't quarrel with the old tailor, it was not appropriate to go in immediately. The old tailor probably couldn't say anything good. If you quarrel directly in your air, you can't be a teacher.

Ruan Yuejin didn't say that he was angry after calming down, and now he really can't adjust his mentality and went in with a smiling face to flatter the dead old man, so he went home with Sun Xiaohui first.

When he got home, Sun Xiaohui took out an egg from the basket, went to the field to pinch a small green onion, and made a scrambled egg with green onion for Ruan Yuejin.

The scrambled egg was brought to the table and put in front of Ruan Yuejin. Sun Xiaohui coaxed, "Don't take it to heart. Just take it as if he farted." How many people on the mountain have been angry with him, not you. If it weren't for the purpose of learning craftsmanship, shall we talk to him?"

Ruan Yuejin picked up his chopsticks and ate the egg. He put oil into the egg, with the fragrance of green onions. The tender and slipperyly bloomed on the tip of his tongue and entered his throat and stomach. His stuffy mood suddenly improved a lot.

Sure enough, there is no bad mood that delicious food can't solve.

He was in a better mood. Looking at the scrambled eggs onions that were rare to eat last time in front of him, he thought again that he would eat well every day after learning, and it is not completely unbearable to be angry now.

He has a temper to save face, but he is not short-sighted. He can see it from a distance.

If he put up with the old tailor's current temper and learn craftsmanship from him, he can live the same life as the old tailor in the future.

The old tailor dares to be so awesome on Fengming Mountain. Isn't he just relying on his own craftsmanship? What else?

Is he an old bachelor, no family, no worries?

It's really because of this. I was killed a long time ago.

Scrape an egg very little, and two or three bites are clean.

Ruan Yuejin was still unsatisfied after eating scrambled eggs, but his heart was completely comfortable. He put down his chopsticks and looked at Sun Xiaohui. He changed his tone and face and said seriously, "Mom, don't worry, I won't give up." When I learn craftsmanship, I will take you and Dad Yuehua to enjoy happiness.

Sun Xiaohui was happy when she heard this and smiled, "I knew that we were promising children jumping forward."

Ruan Yuejin regained his self-confidence, "I'll go there myself in the afternoon, so you don't have to take me there." I had experience in the morning, and now I'm psychologically prepared. No matter what he says disobediently, even if he pointed to my nose and scolded, I won't be angry. Just think he farted.

Sun Xiaohui smiled with a pleated face, "That's right!"

Listening to something disobedient and not losing a piece of meat, it is important to learn to eat meat.

When Ruan Changgui came back at noon and saw that the half basket of eggs at home was still there, he knew that Ruan Yuejin had failed to become Master, which was also his expectation. Sitting at the table during dinner, he looked at Ruan Yuejin and asked, "Don't the old tailor want you?"

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