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Chapter 017

In order to confirm the authenticity, Ruan Changgui and Sun Xiaohui stretched out together and saw Liu Xinghua and Ruan Xi standing outside the door opposite the house. Liu Xinghua carried half a chicken in his hand, and Ruan Xi pinched a dollar in his hand, both of them smiled.

Ruan Xi reached out and stuffed a piece of money in his hand into Liu Xinghua's pocket. He was so happy that he was about to fly. He smiled and said, "Master said that he would have money to work, so he divided me a dollar and half a chicken."

The salary of their door-to-door clothes is two yuan a day, and the plaid-shirt woman only gave three yuan because she gave a chicken. The old tailor left two yuan and gave Ruan Xi one yuan.

As for how the old tailor and their brigade settled these wages, Ruan Xi, as an apprentice, naturally didn't ask these questions. The time is probably the same as other members working to earn points, and it will be settled once a year.

The old tailor has a notebook nailed with his own needle and thread, which are all recorded in it.

Before crossing the border, Ruan Xi never thought that he would be so happy one day because he earned a dollar.

Granddaughter made money by craftsmanship so quickly, and Liu Xinghua was even more happy. She took out the money that Ruan Xi stuffed her, stuffed it into Ruan Xi and said, "What do you earn for me? Keep it to buy sugar."

Ruan Xi still stuffed the money back. "Grandma, you are the head of our family. Of course, I will give you the money you earn."

With that, she suddenly thought of something. Turning around, Ruan Changgui and Sun Xiaohui stretched out their heads at the door of the small stove, staring at her and Liu Xinghua, so she changed her tone and said, "I'm not as selfish as some people."

When Liu Xinghua heard this, she realized something and turned around to have a look.

Ruan Changgui and Sun Xiaohui couldn't hang up their faces anymore and quickly withdrew their heads.

Liu Xinghua withdrew her eyes and said in a deliberate voice again, "Then grandma will take it away for you and save it for you as a dowry!" Let's eat half of the chicken tonight. What do you want to eat? Grandma will do it for you!"

Ruan Xi bent his eyebrows and his voice was crisp: "Stired chicken with chili!"

In the small stove room, Ruan Changgui filled straw at the bottom of the stove. At this time, his heart was mixed, as uncomfortable as dozens of cat claws scratching. Hearing Ruan Xi say "fried chicken with chili", he made no useless water in his mouth.

Sun Xiaohui sat and chopped chicken food with a muffled knife, and her face was a hot and hot feeling.

The atmosphere was as dry as ice, and neither of them spoke, leaving only the sound of kitchen knives touching the cutting board in the cabin.

Sun Xiaohui chopped the wild vegetables and mixed them with rice bran, and went out to feed her five old hens.

Ruan Jie came back from the outside with firewood on her back. She saw that she deliberately bypassed it and carried the firewood into the stove in the side room.

Looking at her behavior, Sun Xiaohui was fury, but because Liu Xinghua was at home, she didn't dare to say anything to Ruan Jie. She had to swallow her stomach and curse in a low voice, "Damn girl, wait for me to take time to deal with you!"

Ruan Jie entered the house with firewood on her back and saw Liu Xinghua chopping chickens.

She was surprised by 120,000 points on her face and looked at Liu Xinghua and asked, "Grandma, how did you kill chickens?"

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