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Chapter 119

Four hours later, Ruan Xi took the test sheet and went to the outpatient room.

The doctor took the test sheet and said simply, "Well, you're pregnant."

Thinking of how long it has been since menstruation at home and that it may be pregnant, Ruan Xi and Ling Yao subconsciously began to be nervous. When I went to the hospital for blood sampling and examination and other report forms, I have always been in a state of slight tension.

Now that I hear the affirmative answer given by the doctor, the hearts of the two people beat quickly at the same time. In addition to unconscious tension and rapid heartbeat, there are uncontrollable joy and excitement in my heart, all of which were filled on the corners of my mouth in an instant.

When the outpatient department returned to the car and sat down, Ruan Xi said, "It must be the time in the hot spring."

Ling Yao didn't answer this. He sat in the driver's seat and smiled. He couldn't squeeze the smile at the corners of his mouth.

Ruan Xi turned his head and looked at him, "What are you laughing at?"

As a result, she laughed after asking.

In fact, there is no need to ask. The feelings of the two people are about the same.

Although neither of them has been particularly looking forward to this matter and has always taken its course in the future when they are ready to have children, they are really pregnant, and their hearts are full of joy and joy. It seems to be an instinct that can't be controlled by yourself.

From this day on, there have been new surprises in life.

The two of them laughed in the car for a while.

When the fool was over, Ling Yao started the car to drive home.

I bought a lot of dishes on the way back, and it was almost time to cook dinner when I got home.

Ling Yao asked Ruan Xi to lie still in bed and went to the kitchen to wash and cook by himself.

Of course, Ruan Xi couldn't lie down. He got up and sat in the kitchen to watch him cook.

Ling Yao chatted with Ruan Xi while cooking and asked her, "Would you invite a babysitter back?"

They had never hired a babysitter at home before, because they didn't want to live with one stranger at home, and two people didn't need it. Now Ruan Xi is pregnant and needs more care. Ling Yao is sometimes busy with work, and he will be more relieved when he is at home.

Ruan Xi thought it was okay to think about it. After all, it's not the two of them now, so he nodded and said, "Okay, it happens that the third aunt and fifth uncle are also looking for a nanny for their grandparents. We will also find one by the way."

After chatting in a mess, the two went out for a walk in the alley after dinner.

Because now knowing that there is a small life in his stomach, Ruan Xi will subconsciously put his hand on his stomach.

After being busy for so many years, he relaxed like this and felt good to live a slow life.

Walking slowly in hand in the alley, I suddenly felt a little when I was in the countryside. No matter what I did, I was not panicked and slow. At that time, the sun rose slowly and set slowly, and the days were very slow every day.

Come back after walking and go to bed after washing up.

Before going to bed, Ruan Xi leaned against Ling Yao to watch TV. Looking at her, she suddenly looked at Ling Yao and asked, "Don't you have to vomit when you are pregnant?" Why don't I feel like I want to vomit?"

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