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Chapter 061

The jeep drove into the compound and stopped in front of the two-story building of the Ruan family.

Ruan Xi and Ruan Hongjun opened the door and got out of the car one after another. After coming down, they went to the trunk to take down their luggage and greeted the driver, and the driver drove away.

Seeing the jeep go far away, Ruan Xi and others just turned around with their luggage bags when Ruan Hongbing opened the door and ran out of the gate. He ran directly to Ye Fan and Ruan Hongjun and shouted, "Third brother and fifth brother, you are finally back!"

The two brothers have left these days, and no one has taken him to play at home!

Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie usually have little contact with Ruan Hongbing, and Ruan Hongbing is naturally not close to them. After greeting Ye Fan and Ruan Hongbing, he looked at Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie and Ruan Qiuyue and shouted, "Second sister, cousin and sixth sister, you are back."

Feng Xiuying followed Ruan Hongbing and went straight up to see if Ruan Hongjun and Ye Fan had suffered. After reading it, he asked, "Why did it take so long to come back?" How many days have you been there? Are you used to living?"

Ruan Hongjun and Ye Fan took their luggage to the room. Ye Fan said, "It's all good."

Feng Xiuying followed them, "Are you tired these days?"

Ruan Hongjun said, "I'm not tired at all!" I can still carry ten kilometers!"


Ruan Xi, Ruan Jie and Ruan Qiuyue naturally did not need Feng Xiuying's greeting. The three followed the house and went straight upstairs. When they got upstairs, put down their luggage, the three packed up a few clean clothes and took the bath ticket and went out.

Go to the bathhouse and take a comfortable shower with hot water. When I came back, it was already dark.

Feng Xiuying made dinner. Soon after Ruan Changfu got home, the whole family gathered together.

Ruan Changfu sat on the dining table and took chopsticks and said, "When I was at home, I thought you were noisy. Now I walked five times. Suddenly, it was so cold. I'm really not used to it. The New Year was boring."

Ruan Hongjun showed his teeth and smiled, "Dad, do you miss me mainly?"

Ruan Changfu stared at him directly, "Well, the whole family is the loudest thing for you!"

Although he has been in the city for more than half a year, Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie have never really integrated into the family. Every time they eat, Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie will not speak loudly if it is not necessary.

Ruan Xi simply doesn't want to say it. She has no gossip or feelings to cultivate with them. Ruan Jie has always been cautiously restrained. After all, she is not the biological of Ruan Changfu and Feng Xiuying. She is really under the fence of others.

With the presence of Ruan Hongjun, Ruan Xi, Ruan Jie and Ruan Qiuyue will not seem to be a problem if he doesn't speak. It is no exaggeration to say that Ruan Hongjun is enough to deal with ten Nguyễn Changfu alone, and he can't finish what he said in his stomach for ten days and ten nights.

While eating, he told Ruan Changfu what he had experienced in the countryside. Ruan Changfu was very happy to hear it. While listening and talking about his childhood, it was rare to have a common topic with Ruan Hongjun.

Who knows who lives in the countryside? Feng Xiuying can't hear the joy, so there is no expression on her face, so she just eats. Ye Qiuwen and Ruan Qiuyang don't like to listen, but they will not sweep Ruan Changfu's prosperity.

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