Chapter 022

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Chapter 022

Ruan Xi did not stand in place and continued to go to the old tailor's house with wine gourds.

No matter what Ruan Yuejin's purpose is, it will not affect her. As long as he doesn't have a moth, just ignore him.

Walking to the door of the old tailor's yard, Ruan Xi raised his hand and knocked on the door panel twice and shouted in a voice, "Master, I'm back!"

As soon as the twiring sound fell, the old tailor brushed it outside the door of the main room, with only one shoe on his feet.

Ruan Xi couldn't help laughing when he saw him like this and took a gourd in front of him, "Do you miss me?"

The old tailor snorted. When she came to her, he took the gourd and said, "I want to drink!"

He took the wine gourd into the room and asked Ruan Xi, "Give me a small bowl."

Ruan Xi turned to the stove room and said, "Then wait a minute."

She went into the kitchen to take off her schoolbag and did not take the bowl immediately. Instead, she went to the cupboard to pick up the plate and grabbed two hands of peanuts. Then wipe the match and light the fire behind the stove. After lit it, stuff a few corn pulp and slowly burn it at the bottom of the stove. People went to the stove to dry and stir-fry peanuts.

Stir-fry peanuts until the skin is crispy and fragrant, and put them on a plate.

Ruan Xi served the fried peanuts, took a pair of chopsticks and a small bowl, and went to the main room.

The old tailor sat at the table in the main room and waited for her for a long time watching the wine, but he didn't rush her. Seeing her bring in a plate of fried peanuts, the fragrance fluttered to his nose, and his face smiled and said, "This apprentice is still so satily."

In fact, there is not only one old tailor in the main room. Ruan Yuejin has always been lying in front of the sewing machine. Today, the old tailor taught him how to thread and lead the bottom line. He hasn't drawn the bottom line out once for a long time.

Ruan Xi had seen him when he entered the yard, but he didn't want to talk to him, so he directly regarded him as air and turned a blind eye to him. Now that she brought peanuts into the house, she still thought she hadn't seen Ruan Yuejin.

Ruan Yuejin didn't see her, seriously led the bottom line and sneered in his heart - the flattery was really loud.

In terms of this flattering kung fu, he is really not as good as her.

Ruan Xi put the peanuts, rice chopsticks and small bowls in front of the old tailor, and sat down at the table. Pouring a small half a bowl of wine to the old tailor, she pinched a peanut in her mouth and said deliberately, "Wow, it smells so good."

The fragrance of stir-fried peanuts can make a room fragrant. Ruan Yuejin sat in front of the sewing machine and swallowed saliva and held his breath.

Ruan Xi drank with the old tailor at the table. He pinched a peanut and chewed it in his mouth. When she had to say something to drink a little wine, she asked the old tailor, "Master, why did I go out to buy you wine? Did you get a younger brother back for me?"

The old tailor took a sip of wine and was in a good mood. He said, "He said he was your cousin, more suitable than you to be a tailor, and I could inherit my craftsmanship." That's all for you. Can I not accept it?"

Ruan Xi lowered his eyebrows and rubbed the peanut peel in the palm of his hand. He felt funny and hung a smile on the corners of his mouth. "It's not easy to meet someone these days. You have to teach me well. My cousin is very smart and will definitely inherit your craftsmanship.

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