Chapter 019

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Chapter 019

Ruan Xi put away the wine ticket, carried the pulp gourd, and left the old tailor's house in a good mood. The schoolbag on my back is bulging, containing three pieces of peach crisps, and two books that must be brought every day.

She was still on the way back to Fengyan Village to make peace with Ruan Jie, and then the two of them held hands to find Ling Yao.

Ling Yao is also waiting for them in the same place, holding the books he usually reads in his hand.

In about a while, he saw Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie coming. He put away his books and stood up, sorted out his state and mood, and prepared to continue to teach Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie in class.

In fact, he hasn't gone to school for a few years. After he followed his parents to Fengming Mountain, he didn't study. But he had finished the junior high school content as early as the city, and he taught himself when he arrived at Fengming Mountain.

It's easier for him to teach himself, because his parents can teach him.

As long as he has a knowledge point that he doesn't understand, he finds his parents, and his parents can always extend more relevant knowledge points, so his knowledge reserves are not just junior and senior high schools.

However, no matter how large his knowledge reserve is, he has never been a teacher, so he teaches Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie according to his own feelings. As for whether the way of teaching is correct or not, he doesn't know whether it is good or not.

Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie did not study teaching, let alone whether he taught well or badly. Of course, it's good to have someone to teach. They are not picky. Anyway, I stumbled to learn like this. How much can I learn?

For Nguyen Jie, primary literacy is certainly not a problem.

The three sat down by the stone, and Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie first consolidated and wrote a poem he learned yesterday. After consolidating the content he learned yesterday, Ling Yao opened the textbook and continued to tell them new content.

Ruan Xi pretended to be very serious. Listen carefully to every word Ling Yao said, and he did not desert.

When she finished learning today's content, she relaxed the expression on her face and relaxed her spirits.

He closed the book, Ruan Xi stood up and stretched his muscles and bones all over his body, then went to the schoolbag to take out the kraft paper bag inside, turned to Ling Yao and Ruan Jie and said, "I brought you delicious food today."

Ruan Jie looked at the kraft paper in her hand and asked curiously, "What's delicious?"

Ruan Xi didn't say anything. He walked to Ling Yao and Ruan Jie and spread the kraft paper in his hand little by little. The fragrance of peach crispy floated out of the paper bag, and the golden crispy cake hanging black sesame also appeared in front of him little by little.

Seeing the peach pastry wrapped in the kraft paper, Ruan Jie blinked her eyes, swallowed, looked at Ruan Xi and asked, "Sister, where did you get the peach pastry?" This is very difficult to buy, isn't it?"

Ruan Xi smiled and didn't say anything. He picked up the top peach crisp and sent it to Ling Yao.

Ling Yao is naturally embarrassed to eat her food all the time, and it is not ordinary and cheap. But every time he greets Ruan Xi and sees his eyes, he can't help being obedient and stretching out his hand to the next one.

Ling Yao took the first piece, and Ruan Xi gave the second piece to Ruan Jie and ate the third piece by himself.

The next three people sat side by side on the stone, eating crispy and sweet peach crispy together, watching the sun fall lower and lower in the western half of the sky, slowly dyeing the tile sky into gorgeous colors.

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