Chapter 077

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Chapter 077

After taking the train day and night, Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie arrived at the station and got off the train the next morning. Standing on the platform and taking a deep breath, turning to look at the rising sun, and then smiling, the two of them left the railway station together.

After leaving the station, they found a bus and took it near the school. Instead of rushing to school, they found a breakfast shop by the roadside for breakfast.

Deep-fried dough sticks and curd jelly will be hot after eating.

Out of the breakfast shop with his luggage, Ruan Xi pulled the scarf on his face to block his mouth and blocked the cold air. He sucked his nose and turned his head to Ruan Jie and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to school first."

After all, Ruan Xi naturally did not feel particularly relieved that Ruan Jie came out to school alone. She took Ruan Jie to the school gate, watched her enter the school gate, walk into the depths of the school, and then turned around and left with her luggage.

Go to the platform to pay for a bus to your own school.

After getting out of the car, he found outside the school gate. Ruan Xi stood outside the gate with his luggage and looked up at the four big words on the gate. There were other students around him carrying their luggage, all with an excited look on their faces.

Her dimple is hidden under the scarf, but her eyes are bright enough.

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Xi stepped into the school gate with a smile.

The faucet flows like a column, turning the handle and disappears.

The white fingers fell into the enamel basin and picked up clear warm water and threw it on the surface.

Drying his face with a towel, Ruan Xi poured the water from his basin and picked up the mouthwash cup containing toothbrush and toothpaste and went back to the dormitory.

Go to the dormitory, put the toiletries, hang the towel, and take a comb to the mirror to comb your hair.

Her hair is black, soft and shiny. She can be combed from the root to the end with a comb, but she has never kept her hair particularly long, only on her chest. It's not very troublesome to tie it up.

Comb your hair into two neat twist braids and tie it tightly with a hairline.

As soon as I tied my hair, I suddenly saw my roommate Li Xiaofang scratching her hair and sitting up.

She turned her head to Ruan Xi and asked with a strong nose, "Are you going to the library when you get up so early?"

I haven't had a rest since I came to school for a week. Today is Sunday, so everyone got up a little late for a while.

Ruan Xi tied up his hair and picked up the comb. "No, I have something to do today."

Li Xiaofang's nasal tone is still heavy, "Oh."

She caught a cold in two days after school. She hasn't recovered yet, and her nose is still blocked.

Ruan Xi didn't wait for her much. He took his schoolbag and picked it on his back and whispered to her, "Then I'll go first."

Li Xiaofang nodded, looked up and fell on the bed, and continued to sleep.

Ruan Xi went to the canteen for breakfast and left school with his schoolbag on his back.

She naturally came to the capital before crossing, but she never came to the capital in the 1970s. In this era, the 49 cities were not so bustling. Most of the residential houses were small bungalows with gray tiles, and the street scenes were dusty.

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