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Chapter 075

After Feng Xiuying delivered something, he didn't bother Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie much, mainly because she was too embarrassed to stay.

After she went out with a smiling face, Ruan Qiuyue picked up the food on the table and looked, "She should regret it now."

Ruan Xi still said, "I don't need her regret. I didn't study hard to college and college well, and didn't make Feng Xiuying stand it. She was not so important in my heart. It has nothing to do with me whether she regrets it or not.

Ruan Qiuyue put down the things in her hand and took a deep breath. Without talking about Feng Xiuying, she only looked at Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie and said, "Sister, cousin, you have officially become my role models now, and I will also start to work hard and work seriously."

Ruan Jie looked at her and smiled, "Come on!"

Ruan Qiuyue cheered herself up, "Work hard!"

She stood and said a few words to Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie, and then went back to the room. She went back to clean up and then wash up.

After Ruan Qiuyue left, Ruan Xi stood up from the desk and said to Ruan Jie, "Let's clean up."

Ruan Jie immediately understood Ruan Xi's meaning, "Will you go home tomorrow?"

Ruan Xi nodded, "Well, let's go tomorrow."

The results of the college entrance examination have come down, and the notice has been received. Why are you still here? If it hadn't been for the results of the college entrance examination and the admission notice, they would have gone straight home after the exam and would not have stayed here.

Ruan Jie naturally wants to go home. She is completely under the shelter here. If it hadn't been for Ruan Xi to take her every day and Ruan Xi stood in front of her, I wouldn't have been comfortable for a long time.

The gold nest and silver nest are not as good as your own thatched nest.

It's not good at your own home.

It happens that there are about ten days before the Spring Festival. They rush back to Fengming Mountain and live a few days at home. Just take the admission notice to the school to report directly after the Spring Festival.

Ruan Xi and Liu Xinghua knew that the happiest thing was usually wanted to share with the most important people, so that the happiness would double the happiness would double.

And this kind of thing is boring in the letter. You must say it to your face and make them happy with them.

So he began to pack up his luggage. Ruan Xi Ruan Jie's face had a slightly excited smile.

Packing up this time is different from the previous two years. Instead of simply packing up a few replacement clothes, they packed everything that could be cleaned up and put everything they had to take away in their bags.

The luggage couldn't pack so much, and the road was troublesome, so they threw some clothes and shoes here.

After washing up in turn, she returned to the room and lay in bed with the light. Ruan Jie was relieved and asked, "Sister, will you go back to Fengming Mountain tomorrow?"

Ruan Xi was relieved and said, "I don't want to think about it, but it depends."

Ruan Jie thought for a moment and said, "I've thought about it. I'll come back to see my uncle when I have a promising future. After all, without my uncle and aunt, I would not have a place to go to school well, let alone study hard, and I may not be able to take the college entrance examination. I have been eating and drinking here for more than two years. If I don't come in the future, isn't that ungrateful?"

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