Chapter 085

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Chapter 085

Xie Dongyang worked quickly, mainly to take Ruan Xi's affairs seriously and treat it as his own business. He tried his best to run to the countryside for many days, so he quickly helped Ruan Xi find a yard in the countryside.

On the afternoon of the day he found the yard, Xie Dongyang directly went to the school and told Ruan Xi.

So this Sunday, Ruan Xi and Xie Dongyang did not go to set up a stall, but rode together in the countryside.

On the way to the countryside, Xie Dongyang said to Ruan Xi, "This yard is quite large. There are brick houses in the east and west and north. There are a total of nine rooms, and there is a vegetable garden in front of the door, which just meets your requirements."

When going downhill, Ruan Xi subconsciously pinched the brakes slightly, "Has all the family moved away?"

Xie Dongyang followed her at the same speed. "The family has lived in town for a long time, and only the old man has been living in the village and unwilling to leave. It is said that I'm in poor health this year that I had to go to town to live with my son and daughter-in-law, and the yard was empty. It's useless to leave the place in the countryside if you don't go back in the future. They are very happy to hear that someone wants to buy it.

Ruan Xi looked at him and asked, "Have you asked how much money you want?"

Xie Dongyang said, "I didn't say it. I said I would go back to discuss it."

Twenty kilometers away, Ruan Xi and Xie Dongyang were not in a hurry and spent two hours cycling to their destination.

Because Xie Dongyang made an appointment when he left last time, someone from this family came back today.

Ruan Xi followed Xie Dongyang to park the car outside the yard door and knocked on the courtyard door. After a while, he saw a middle-aged couple coming out of the main room. The man is wearing an old gray Lei Feng hat, and the woman is wearing a large dark gray cotton-padded jacket.

The couple met Xie Dongyang and greeted politely with a busy face.

Without saying anything else, let Xie Dongyang come into the room first.

Xie Dongyang went in with Ruan Xi, sat down in the room and took a sip of hot tea to warm up. After putting down the tea bowl, he opened his mouth to introduce Ruan Xi and said to the couple, "This is my friend, that is, she wants to buy your yard."

Hearing this, the couple were stunned at the same time.

They looked at Ruan Xi again, and the smile on their faces became a little embarrassing.

The man said, "Don't tease. I barely believe you when you want to buy it. You said she wanted to buy it. This... I don't believe it..."

She is still a little girl. She looks eighteen or nineteen years old and has a young face. Why did she buy a country house when she has nothing to do? Besides, can she afford so much money to buy it?

Although the house in the countryside is not as valuable as the city, it costs a lot of money. These days, no one can pay so much money casually. The country is poor, and everyone is poor one by one.

Because of the cold, Ruan Xi's scarf was not taken off.

She warmed her hands with a tea bowl in her hand. She was not angry. She smiled and said, "You don't believe I buy it too."

The man looked at her for a moment and said seriously, "My yard is not cheap."

Ruan Xi asked directly, "How much are you going to pay?"

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