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Chapter 015

Ruan Xi put the borrowed book as a treasure and carefully put it in the camphor box.

Although in recent years, these books are rubbish waste paper that most people think of going to the toilet. But after the resumption of the college entrance examination, these are what many people may not be able to grab in the waste recycling bin.

Putting the book and covering the camphor wooden box, Ruan Xi sat down and said to Ruan Jie, "I have also found the teacher and only taught you and you. Every day we make an appointment to study together. Don't tell anyone else.

Ruan Jie was curious, "Who is it?"

Ruan Xi whispered, "Ling Yao."

Ruan Jie blurted out: "The nerd in the hanging tower?"

Ruan Xi raised his hand and patted her, "How do you say it?"

Ruan Jie subconsciously shrank her shoulders and said with some embarrassment, "I didn't mean to. The villagers say so. Gao Haiyang always bullied him, but whether he scolded him or beat him, he never squeaked or ran. He stood with Ren Gao Haiyang and fought them. Everyone thought he had something wrong with his brain. He is a fool."

Ruan Xi took a breath gently: "He is just looking milky and tender. He doesn't like to make trouble. He is afraid of causing trouble, so he is bullied and doesn't say anything. He is not a fool. He is smart and a little genius."

Ruan Jie blinked, "Really?"

Ruan Xi nodded, "Yes."

Ruan Jie didn't figure it out, "Then why can't you tell others?"

Ruan Xi looked at her, "Because his mother won't let him have much contact with the people in our village, let alone let him take care of other people's nosy, so she was afraid of causing trouble. His mother is afraid she will be unhappy when she knows, so we just know this matter.

Ruan Jie understood this, and she nodded to Ruan Xi again, "Okay, I remember."

After traveling through such a long time, a lot of things happened, big and small, and Ruan Xi completely adapted to the current life. I was freed from the high-pressure and fast-paced modern life and got used to the slow countryside.

Here, there is no entertainment equipment, and communication and traffic are not developed. I am trapped in this small world every day, just thinking about food and clothing, so I feel that time passes slowly and watch the sun slowly rise and then slowly set.

Go to bed early at night, get up when you hear the chicken crowing in the morning, breathing the freshest air in the mountains.

She appears on the mountain road at about the same time every day and goes to the old tailor lightly to learn crafts, which is still the case today. Go to the old tailor's house and sit down and step on the sewing machine, step on straight lines, wavy lines and circle lines.

In the afternoon, when the sun tilts to mid-air, I will happen to meet Ling Yao again.

Seeing Ling Yao on the hillside today, Ruan Xi waved to him after a period of distance: "Zai Zai!"

When Ling Yao heard the voice and looked at her, he stood up and welcomed her, and his face was full of smiles.

He seemed to be very happy to see her, because it was rare to have such a lot of heartful joy in a life that was too poor and bitter, so he didn't even hide it and hung it all on the corners of his mouth.

Welcoming Ruan Xi, he asked, "Have you found the book?"

Ruan Xi nodded and said, "I found that I can't find Chinese and mathematics in the first to fifth grades, and the textbooks of junior high school and senior high school for the time being, but we can't use them for the time being. Let's learn primary school knowledge first and lay the foundation first."

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