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Chapter 069

Ruan Xi, Ruan Jie and Ruan Qiuyue stood outside the door for a while. Ruan Xi said, "There should be no one cooking tonight. Judging from this situation, we may not be able to eat. Why don't we make dumplings?"

Anyway, they were ready to come out to relax. Ruan Jie and Ruan Qiuyue had no problem, so they went to the kitchen with Ruan Xi to make dumplings.

Ruan Jie pinched the rolling pin to roll the dumpling wrappers, and Ruan Xi and Ruan Qiuyue pinched the dumplings next to them.

Feng Xiuying made two kinds of dumpling fillings, pork, celery and leek and eggs, which smelled quite fragrant.

Ruan Xi and Ruan Qiuyue put each package on the panel and put it neatly, like a small white sail.

Feng Xiuying rode on a bicycle to carry Ruan Hongjun and found the neighborhood committee under the guidance of Ruan Hongjun.

When she rushed there in a hurry, Ruan Changfu and the teacher of the school's discipline department also arrived.

Feng Xiuying didn't believe that Ye Qiuwen had done something inconvincible. After that, she immediately said to the old lady, the director of the neighborhood committee, "Director, I'm afraid you're mistaken. Our two children have always been the best. How can we fool around?"

The old ladies of the neighborhood committee didn't save face, especially the director. She looked at Feng Xiuying and said, "We saw what we caught with our own eyes. What does it mean to make a mistake?" They hugged each other and kissed each other. No matter how thin, I'm embarrassed to say it, or you asked them to say it themselves.

Hearing this, Feng Xiuying's face suddenly turned green.

Ruan Changfu couldn't help but be angry when he heard this. When he shook his hand in front of Ye Qiuwen, he slapped him.

The slap was heavy and loud. Ye Qiuwen's face instantly swollen with fingerprints, and her forehead hair was also broken, falling down to cover half of her face. No matter how painful she hurt, she didn't dare to make a sound. She bit her lips and her eyes were full of tears.

Lu Yuanzheng was not cowardly. He blocked her and said to Ruan Changfu, "Uncle, don't hit her. It's my fault."

Ruan Changfu's face was black-eyed and his voice was like rusty iron. "Shut up!" There is no place for you to talk!"

If it hadn't been for his parents, his fists and slap would have gone up!

The old ladies of the neighborhood committee did not sympathize with Ye Qiuwen at all. The director said, "You have a great responsibility to be a parent. I think you usually play too little. You are too bold to do such a thing at such a young age!"

With that, he looked at the school leader: "Your school also has a great responsibility!" How do you teach these students? It will be ruined in this way! Do such a thing in the park in broad daylight. Don't even face!"

The school leader was too countless to raise his head and said, "We do have responsibilities and responsibilities."

The two students who have always performed the best, the most valued and praised in the school did this kind of thing. They were caught by the old ladies of the neighborhood committee, and there has been a rumor. They really don't have the confidence to say anything else.

Either things are not in the hands of the neighborhood committee, but by the old ladies of the neighborhood committee, which must be well known to everyone.

This kind of thing! Shame! I can't wait to bury my head in the cement floor!

The school leaders couldn't raise their heads, and Ruan Changfu and Feng Xiuying, as parents, naturally couldn't raise their heads even more. Feng Xiuying's face was almost buried in his stomach. They were educated by the old ladies of the neighborhood committee and didn't speak out, just listened.

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