Chapter 090

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Chapter 090

In the restaurant, Ruan Changsheng drank three glasses of water.

After drinking, he put down the water glass, and said slowly, "Sun Wei is a grandson, a villain. I kindly told him to go to the south. I ignored him after competing with us for half a year last year. Who knows that this will be done for me this year, son of a bitch?

Ruan Cuizhi frowned and asked, "Where did his clothes come from?"

Ruan Changsheng said softly, "He found someone to buy our clothes, specializing in some easy-selling styles, took the clothes to the south to find a factory for plate processing, and then dragged them back to sell them."

Ruan Cuizhi thought for a moment, "Can you make money if you toss around like this?"

In addition to the cost of cloth materials, the factory director has to raise equipment and make money. He has to give the factory a lot of processing fees. The price of pulling it back is cheap, which is calculated, and a piece of clothing can't make much money.

If it hadn't been for the poor quality of clothes and cloth and the workmanship was sloppy, maybe it would have been pasted upside down.

Ruan Changsheng said, "It's much better than before."

Ruan Xi never spoke. Qian Kuan looked at her and asked, "What can I do?"

Even if he doesn't make a lot of money, it's disgusting. Looking at his face, he wants to kill him.

Ruan Xi shook his head: "There is nothing he can do for the time being."

At present, it is not possible to register a trademark, and everyone has no idea of infringement at all. No one will take care of this kind of thing. Even if it is put into modern society, it is difficult to protect rights in this regard. It is not easy to sue at all for imitation styles without touching trademarks. If you are more sgenical, you can change the details a little, such as changing the length of a skirt, and you can't tell.

No matter how big the brand is, as long as there is a hit, someone must imitate it.

Cottages and piracy are the most difficult things to fight.

Qian Kuan took a deep breath and said, "I really want to kill him."

Ruan Xi looked at her and said, "Don't worry, ignore him for the time being. Let him imitate it first. Anyway, there can't be anything good. Customers who have quality requirements will not buy his clothes, which is useless to wear. Wait, if he continues to be arrogant and doesn't know how to restrain himself and bolder, he will have a chance to cure him.

Ruan Changsheng took another sip of water, put down the glass with a bang, "I want to beat him to death now."

Ruan Xi looked at him again and said, "It's okay to have a good time, but you can't do it again."

Just take a meal and vent your anger. You can't beat all the time.

After all, violence can't solve the fundamental problem, and it may exacerbate contradictions and cause more unnecessary trouble. It's okay to fight now. When it enters the severe crackdown period in two years, it will not be as easy to go to the police station as it is now.

After this scene, he was trained by police comrades at the police station, and Ruan Changsheng and Qian Kuan were not in the mood to set up a stall. After dinner, they didn't go to the street and dragged the goods and Ruan Cuizhi home.

After resting at home for a long time, I adjusted my mood and state.

The next morning, he was resurrected with blood, and the moon overhead and Qixing went to the city to continue to stall.

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