Chapter 078

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Chapter 078

After that, she turned around and left. When she walked to the shed to pick up the umbrella, she suddenly remembered something, so she turned around and said, "By the way, there is also a tricycle that can be ridden. Can you help me get one too?"

Xie Dongyang looked at her and confirmed, "Spanel?"

Ruan Xi nodded: "The kind of pulling things."

Xie Dongyang thought for a moment, "I'll help you find it, but I may not have so much money to fix it for you."

It's not a small thing to put on a second-hand sewing machine and a board car. He can't afford so much money.

In this garage, he usually earns a little repair fee by repairing the car, which makes a small amount of money, and many people's bicycles are not so bad that they can't ride them and can't be repaired. What he does most is to repair tires.

Although he speculates to sell second-hand bicycles, he also spent money on those second-hand parts. Assembled, it actually makes a handicraft fee, and there are not many people who dare to buy them, so they can't make much money.

The 80% new one he saved for Ruan Xi last year really didn't make her much money.

In this era, 30 yuan is a month's salary of a city worker. Although Ruan Xi has a lot of money, it is not enough for her to make a lot of money in these 49 cities. She doesn't have to worry about anything and casually take it out.

So she looked at Xie Dongyang and said, "Help me find it first. If you don't push it over, I'll come to buy it."

Xie Dongyang nodded, "Yes, I'll ask you everywhere this week and try to get it for you."

Ruan Xi smiled at him, "Then thank you first."

Xie Dongyang looked at her and said, "Don't thank you. Remember that you promised to take me to buy the goods."

Ruan Xi stood by the awning and spread his umbrella. "Okay, I'll come to you next Sunday."

After saying that, she walked into the rain, and the rain fell densely on the umbrella.

Every Saturday at school, I eat and read books and study in class every day. Time flies the fastest.

Because Ruan Jie is not in the same school, and because Ruan Jie is different from herself, she is an urgent college for the knowledge examination and has a lot to learn, so Ruan Xi does not often come to her after school.

Like other students, she doesn't have enough time to read and study at all. She can't wait to hold a book in her hand when she eats and go to the toilet. Of course, the reality is almost the same.

Compared with them, Ruan Xi is certainly not so hungry about the books in the library. After all, she went to college and dabbled in all kinds of books she was interested in and liked, so she didn't look so hungry.

After completing her studies normally, she will be busy with her own affairs.

On Sunday, my roommate will sleep a little and get lazy, and she won't sleep either. Every time I get up early in the morning, wash up and go to the canteen for dinner, and then ride a bike outside. It looks like an idle street slipper.

She still got up early today. After dinner, she rode out to Xie Dongyang's garage.

When she arrived, Xie Dongyang just came to open the door.

When Xie Dongyang saw her, he said, "I just think you have to come early in the morning, which really made me guess."

Ruan Xi stopped his bicycle and came over and asked him, "Have you found it for me?"

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