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Chapter 106

Xie Dongyang sent the car to Ruan Xi, talked to Ruan Xi for a long time, and had lunch together. Naturally, there was no more disturbing in the afternoon. Ruan Xi took Ruan Qiuyue and Ruan Dabao home, and Ruan Changsheng and Qian Kuan continued to clean up the yard.

Ruan Xi plans to send him the money in two days, and by the way, he will apply for the property certificate of the car with the certificate.

After Ruan Changsheng and Qian Kuan spent a few days cleaning up the yard so that there were no traces of Sun Wei's life in the yard, they bought some household appliances such as TV fans, bought some new practical furniture, and then took Ruan Dabao to the newly bought yard.

As soon as Ruan Changsheng's family of three moved away, Ruan Xi's yard was empty and quiet.

Because I was used to living together, I did not get used to it two days ago, but I soon got used to it.

During the day, Ruan Xi either draws the design drafts at home to make clothes, or goes to the construction site of the office building to see the progress and quality of the project. Occasionally, he also goes around the clothing factory to see the workers work. Naturally, he is at home at night.

If Ling Yao comes back on time after work, the two will cook and eat together. If Ling Yao needs to work overtime and come back later, Ruan Xi will go out and eat casually, and then work at home to work until he comes back from work.

Because there are no children, there is no difference between the daily life and the time of falling in love.

If you are free on Sunday, we will go out to watch a movie together, go to the theater to watch a play, and watch the song and dance troupe singing and performance. If you are tired and don't want to go out, you can cook and watch TV at home.

When two people are together, they are very relaxed, which can relieve a lot of work pressure.

By the end of the year, the office building was completed and entered the tight decoration stage.

The business of the Rose Pavilion store has always been good, and the turnover continues to rise. Ruan Changsheng and Qian Kuan run a lot of money to the market and sell. In addition to expanding the scale to open stores, they will also go to the clothing exhibition and make a lot of money.

Of course, there is no decent clothing fair in the mainland at this time. Naturally, it is to drag the goods to apply to Hong Kong. Every exhibition is a good opportunity to promote the brand and sell clothes, and you can make a lot more money than usual.

In order to open medium and high-end brand stores, Ruan Changsheng and Qian Kuan have also found several stores recently.

After looking for several stores, Qian Kuan took it to Ruan Xi and said to her, "My fifth uncle and I have found three stores in three places, Xidan, Wangfujing and Dashilan. Which one do you want to see?"

Of course, Ruan Xi could not be determined by the address. She and Qian Kuan went to each store to take a specific look, looked at the location of the store, and also looked at the size of the store. After comprehensive consideration, she chose Wangfujing.

After choosing a store and renting it, you can directly find someone to decorate it.

Ruan Xi paid special attention to this decoration and stared at it from beginning to end. After all, if you want to take the middle and high-end route, the grade of decoration is naturally different from that of Rose Pavilion, which should be more in line with the positioning and tone of the brand.

After decoration, hang the signboard, and the signboard will naturally use trademark fonts and patterns.

The trademarks were registered together at the beginning, which were called Shengfang.

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