Chapter 084

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Chapter 084

With Ruan Jie's help during the summer vacation, Ruan Xi has to go a lot of ease every day, at least there is no need to watch the stall to sell things while stepping on the sewing machine. When she is busy, she will move the sewing machine back at night and reads and rest in the evening.

Ruan Jie stayed to help Ruan Xi do this work within his ability. Naturally, he didn't have to pay. She followed Ruan Xi out of the mountains, ate, drank and lived at Ruan Changfu's house for nearly three years, studied and took the college entrance examination, and now the living expenses during school are also given to Ruan Xi. She is now doing some work for Ruan Xi. If she still wants to get the salary, she is purely a white-eyed wolf.

She borrowed a lot of books from the library before the holiday. When she set up a stall every day, if Xie Dongyang didn't talk to her, she would sit in front of the stall reading. I closed the stall back to school at night, and I also lay down under the lamp and read books all night.

Xie Dongyang's saddle, who had been chasing him for several years, only came to him once. After shaking her face this time, she didn't come again. But halfway through the summer vacation, Xie Dongyang gave Ruan Xi the key to the garage repair shop and disappeared for a few days.

Ruan Xi thought that he was "rehaving evil spirits" and "being lost". He planned to give up setting up a stall to do business, go back to the old profession of car repair, or find some other decent work, work, work in the factory and so on.

But after he disappeared for three or four days, he still pulled goods to set up a stall with Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie.

Ruan Xi asked him curiously, "What have you done these days?"

Ruan Jie: "The goddess won't let you come?"

Xie Dongyang is much more serious than before, and he has something to do at first glance. He didn't laugh. He looked serious and was quite a man. He just looked at Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie and said, "It's a scene. I won't talk anymore."

Ruan Jie looked at him and blinked, "You won't... lose your temper with the goddess, do you?"

Xie Dongyang lowered his head and said, "I don't deserve her. I recognize her."

In fact, this was not caused by the goddess who came to him. He set up a stall here in the big fence, but whenever anyone in the alley came to the street to play and buy things, he will naturally see him. The goddess kept telling him not to do it, but he didn't listen.

This is not said once or twice, so the goddess didn't face directly before the last time she arrived at the booth.

Later, she taught Xie Dongyang twice and forced him to find something decent to do.

Xie Dongyang did consider whether to stop doing this, find a decent job to satisfy the goddess and her parents, marry the beauty and live a down-to-earth life, and give birth to a doll as a father.

But these days, the more he thinks about it, the more uncomfortable he feels.

The goddess came to educate him to count him again. He just held his breath. At the moment he was above, he didn't want to be a grandson, so for the first time he came to refute the goddess's words, and then the goddess became angry and the two quarreled and collapsed directly.

Xie Dongyang even patted the table and said, "I know you don't like me, I don't think I'm ashamed if I don't have a decent job, and I don't like myself!" From now on, I won't delay you. I won't serve whoever you like to look for!"

The goddess blushed with anger and lost a sentence to Xie Dongyang: "Xie Dongyang, don't regret it!" I'll give you a chance. You don't cherish it well. It's not that I despise you. Just like you, you don't work hard. I just want to speculate. You won't have any good job in your life! You are on that street and set up a stall for a lifetime. Let's see who can look down on you!"

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