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Chapter 011

Ruan Yuehua was not interested in where the grapes came from. He came over and sat down at the table, reached out and shook Sun Xiaohui's arm, looking greedy and felt uncomfortable: "Mom, I also want to eat grapes."

Sun Xiaohui was shaken by him. He said with a good temper, "Your grandparents were not allowed to eat when cooking last night. Do you still want to eat their grapes?" That's stolen. We don't eat it."

Ruan Yuehua is still greedy. "But I want to eat it, and my eldest brother also wants to eat it."

With that, he began to shake his head and tail, "I want to eat grapes, I want to eat grapes..."

Sun Xiaohui was very patient with Ruan Yuehua and continued to coax him, "Don't listen to them say it's sweet. Let me tell you that the grape looks sour and can make your teeth sour."

Ruan Yuehua swallowed a sip of water and twisted it. "I also want to eat it sour."

Ruan Changgui still has the dignity of being a father in front of Ruan Yuejin and Ruan Yuehua. He couldn't see Ruan Yuehua's worthless appearance. He pinched chopsticks in his hand and suddenly stood up. He said with a gloomy face and said, "Don't believe it again!"

Ruan Yuehua was scared by him to quickly loosen Sun Xiaohui's arm and sat down at the table.

Ruan Yuejin said beside him, "The house has been separated. I don't eat his food, and I don't want it either."

Ruan Changgui felt a little more comfortable when he heard this. He stared at Ruan Yuehua and said, "Learn from your brother!"

Ruan Yuehua lowered his head and pursed his mouth. Where could he hear it, his mind was still full of - I want to eat grapes.

Lying in bed at night, there is still a big bunch of grapes in front of you.

Sun Xiaohui and Ruan Changgui lay in bed. Before Ruan Changgui's snoring, Sun Xiaohui said, "I want to think about it. The grape must have been stolen by Xiaoxi. I have to report it to the Revolutionary Committee of the Golden Crown Brigade."

Ruan Changgui held his eyelids and said, "This matter doesn't need to be reported by the Brigade Revolutionary Committee. Just teach me a lesson at home."

Sun Xiaohui turned her head to him and said, "Can she admit it? Stealing needles when you are young and stealing gold when you grow up is not a small matter. Your parents spoil her for everything. If we don't care, this girl will go to prison sooner or later.

Ruan Changgui took a soft breath and said, "Isn't that going to be arrested in the mass dictatorship office?" You have to put up the sign at the critical meeting, and maybe you may be dragged into re-education through labor. Just leave it alone. It has nothing to do with us whether she will go to prison or not in prison in the future.

Sun Xiaohui: "Why doesn't it matter? What is advocated now is the destruction of relatives in great righteousness, and we should not defend them privately because they are relatives. Since you have made a mistake, you have to accept the punishment you deserve. We can't cover her up..."

As she spoke, she heard Ruan Changgui's snore and knew that he was too tired to fall asleep, so she stopped talking and didn't go on. Then she turned over and got up, thinking about it in her heart for a while, and she was not sleepy for a long time.

She thought that she had to let Ruan Xi learn a lesson, kill her prestige, and relieve her anger. Grab her to the mass dictatorship office and let her criticize and reflect in public. It's better to pull her to re-education through labor and let her suffer more on the construction site!

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