Chapter 112

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Chapter 112

After discussing all the details of the cooperation, the next step is to prepare everything you need to register a company with the Industry and Commerce Bureau. Because Ruan Xi is familiar with the Industry and Commerce Bureau, she runs a little more.

Today, I went to get my business license and happened to meet Jiang Suyun, and the two of them found a place to talk a few words.

Jiang Suyun looked at Ruan Xi's newly registered business license and said with a smile, "Other people are still hesitating whether to resign and go to sea. You have found two companies here, but is it useful for you to engage in this real estate company?"

Ruan Xi smiled and said, "It doesn't seem useful at present."

Because private enterprises can't get real estate-related projects at present. Without land auction, there will naturally be no real estate to do. However, the development momentum is still relatively obvious. After all, the demolition project has begun.

Jiang Suyun naturally didn't think of this and just said, "Anyway, you are bold. You dare to do what others dare not do." I finally can see that you have never been on the whim. Everything has your own reason.

Ruan Xi said with a smile, "It's just one reason. I'm timid to die and starve to death."

Jiang Suyun was timid. Ruan Xi chatted with her and then went back with his business license.

Take the business license back to the company and hang it in an office just cleaned up on the first floor. At present, the company can only be regarded as an empty shell. There is nothing but a business license, and the members are only Ruan Xie and Xie Dongyang.

The real estate company was left to Xie Dongyang to take care of, and Ruan Xi still spent most of his efforts on making clothes.

After the Rose Pavilion and the blooming ready-to-wear business were on track, Ruan Xi slowly broke off his hand and handed over the design to the designer. She only looked at their design drafts and sample clothes, and she didn't need to worry about production and sales.

Of course, she has to check all the major events in the company.

What she has to do is to prepare to create her own personal brand and team.

It's sultry in summer, and the whole city is sitting in a stove.

The air conditioner standing in the corner ticked twice, and a cool breeze swept out. The people in the office suddenly refreshed themselves and said in surprise and joy, "This is really cool breeze. It's completely different from electric fans."

The company has been installing air conditioners recently, and they have just installed them today. This is the first time that these people have used air conditioners. I have seen it in the mall in the past two years, but because the price is too high, no one has used it.

Ruan Xi also turned on the air conditioner in the studio on the third floor, and it cooled down in the studio after a while.

Aunt Qin, who was embroidering on the mesh, said, "It's really rich that can make the ghost polish."

Aunt Qin is an embroiderer recently dug from the embroidery factory by Ruan Xi. Now she is making Wen Xiao's skirt with her. Aunt Qin's embroidery is excellent. A simple needle and thread can embroider all the beauty in the world.

Ruan Xi smiled and said, "You can't save what you should spend."

Aunt Qin looked at Ruan Xi and smiled, "You are a generous boss."

When she came to the company before, she knew Ruan Xi's arrogant.

When the studio cooled down, they were all comfortable. The two of them chatted and worked like this. Aunt Qin pinched the embroidery needle to make embroidery, and Ruan Xi slowly made beaded sequins on the cloth little by little.

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