Chapter 024

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Chapter 024

Ruan Cuizhi tossed around for a day or two, but the next morning she didn't sleep much. She got up before dawn. I probably felt that going back to my mother's house caused trouble to my family, so I got up early to feed pigs and chickens, washed dirty clothes and cooked breakfast.

When Ruan Zhigao, Liu Xinghua and Ruan Xi Ruan Jie got up, she took care of all the chores in the family. So the three had nothing to do. They washed up and called Ruan Zhigao to have breakfast directly.

Ruan Jie asked if she wanted to call Ruan Changsheng.

Ruan Zhigao thought that he would be exhausted these days, so he didn't let Ruan Jie shout and let him continue to fall asleep.

Because of this, Liu Xinghua said to Ruan Cuizhi at the dinner table, "I told you to stay at home, but I didn't let you serve us here. Didn't I serve enough over there?" If you are tired, sleep more. Don't rush to do anything when you have nothing to do.

Ruan Cuizhi smiled and said, "I'm used to it. It's uncomfortable not to do anything."

Ruan Zhigao looked at her and said, "Don't do anything today. Rest at home and rest for a few days."

Ruan Cuizhi said, "That won't work. I have to work in the production team."

Even if she comes back to live for a day, she doesn't want to lie down and eat free food.

Liu Xinghua rolled her eyes and said, "If you dare to go, I can turn against you directly."

I was wronged at my mother-in-law's house and walked so far back from the mountain road. I didn't sleep long. It was to wash clothes, feed pigs, cook, and went to the production team to work. Why did they call her back to her mother's house to make her suffer even more?

Ruan Cuizhi looked at Liu Xinghua seriously and smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take two days off first."

As a young man who couldn't interrupt, Ruan Xi and Ruan Jie had no speech after eating. After dinner, they went out with Ruan Zhigao.

As usual, Ruan Zhigao went to organize members to work, Ruan Xi went to the old tailor's house to practice painting, and Ruan Jie found the village girl to pick up firewood and cut pork and grass. If the family is finished, they will also go to the production team to help with the work.

After dinner, Liu Xinghua didn't let Ruan Cuizhi work again and drove her to the room to sleep.

Ruan Cuizhi rarely calmed down and was really tired. She lay on the bed and fell asleep after a while.

Her age is incomparable to the young man Ruan Changsheng. Ruan Changsheng slept and immediately recovered. Ruan Cuizhi had a rest for two days before he didn't feel tired of being overdrawn.

After refreshing her spirits, she went to the production team to work as she said.

Ruan Changsheng went to the commune to take Ruan Cuizhi back to his mother's house overnight, and Ruan Cuizhi came back without even bringing the children. Bright-minent people knew that there was something wrong with it at a glance, so many people were talking about home behind their backs and gosip about her.

The women were collecting grass in the rice field, just the people close to Sun Xiaohui and asked her with their eyes, "Oh, why did your sister-in-law suddenly come back?" Did you ask your mother-in-law to bully her?

Sun Xiaohui replied, "Oh, it's not a big deal. I was beaten by her man a few times. It's just their daughters of the Ruan family who are so delicate that they can't touch them. I don't know what's wrong with such a big noise.

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